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Photo replaced on 24 Oct 2017
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Sharing and Social networks

Sharing and Social networks
The automatic sharing for ipernity uploads does not work anymore. Therefore it got removed entirely on December 9, 3030. Facebook and Twitter accounts can't be connected because they do not allow login from insecure parts of ipernity pages (http). And very likely all other services are going to do the same, if not done already.

I will update the whole article, once we hopefully soon again are able to upload new files.

One can still use the manual sharing buttons displayed on the right hand side of photos and articles.

This also allows others to share your photos and articles. To enable the sharing buttons, choose YES for social media networks where you wish to allow the sharing.

An alternative way is to copy and paste the page URL. On pages where one main image appears, it is then picked to become shared on the other social media service.

Gudrun, Erhard Bernstein, have particularly liked this photo

8 comments - The latest ones
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Thanks, Sami !
7 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ulrich John club
You are welcome =)
7 years ago.
 Erhard Bernstein
Erhard Bernstein club
True ...
7 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Erhard Bernstein club
Obviously the automatic sharing needs some update ;-)

Something that needs to be done some fine day, if and when we get resources to do that...
7 years ago.
Gudrun club
I'm not on any social network but I think it's not bad at all that you have to go through the photo page to share because hopefully it gets people to think of what they want to share. Sharing everything indiscriminately is Flickr style;-)

Maybe if the highighted text could just disappear from Ipernity pages....
7 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Gudrun club
I agree, the top part for automatic sharing is not really necessary.

But now I discovered why the bottom part is there! Therefore I cropped the original screen shot here, and published a new post where I try to explain what that is for:

7 years ago.
raingirl club
I'm curious in what way this doesn't work well. Does something bad happen, or is it just sporadic?

(Once it does work well, seems like good promotion for ipernity - our links getting out into the world of the internet.)
6 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to raingirl club
What comes to the so called automatic sharing (marked with pink box and red text), the problem is this, at least with the Facebook. Whenever one posts a new photo, the share sent to Facebook is about the album, and not the latest picture added to it. So, the reference image and message sent to Facebook says there is a new upload to the album, and shows the ipernity "album cover image" instead of the that latest added image

Moreover, as today, when I tried to test this, I could not get the Facebook linked at all. Not on Chrome or Firefox. I try this again later.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.

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