Bob Taylor

Bob Taylor deceased

Posted: 14 Nov 2019

Taken: 06 Nov 2019

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deer hunting
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181 visits

A Deer Hunter's Shelter

A Deer Hunter's Shelter
Pentax K1000, SMC Pentax-M 50/4, Kodak Portra 160 film, f4 - 1/30.
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Kalli has particularly liked this photo

 The Limbo Connection
The Limbo Connection club
Not the expected subject for a macro lens, but they do general duty as well as close-up. The light falling on the hut has given the expected shade of brown a bluish hue. Maybe it was actually blue, but if it is of timber construction, it compels a second look. When I used film this kind of result was not unusual - I took it to be some characteristic of the emulsion, or the processing chemicals. Here you have a strong composition of verticals relieved by the horizontal lines of the shelter. Very effective, but take care not to be shot at by an over-zealous venison muncher.
5 years ago.
 Bob Taylor
Bob Taylor club
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I've found the 50/4 lens pretty fair for non-macro shots--at any rate, it's what I had on my camera when I set out. As for the color of the deer stand, my recollection is that it was made of tin or even some kind of plastic. Its presence does make me somewhat nervous when walking in its vicinity.
5 years ago.

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