Midnight Sun

2015 Norway - Slideshow

Folder: Travel Stuff
A more manageable subset of the full Norway album.

Questionable Pissoirs

01 Aug 2015 1 93
I want to believe this is a bit of Burkean trolling.

Questionable Naming

01 Aug 2015 88
I'm not sure whether it would have been better or worse had this been a store selling skin-care products.

Questionable Landscape

01 Aug 2015 80
Theodore Kittelsen's "The Water Spirit", adjacent to the Edvard Munch exhibit. At first I thought it was one of those "enhanced kitsch" paintings. It turns out that Kittlesen's work is replete with Lovecraftian imagery of this nature.

Questionable Refusal

01 Aug 2015 81
Not Interested In Purchasing.


01 Aug 2015 79
Multipurpose hiking dishes. Not only do they serve as drinking cups and soup bowls, but they double as emergency groin protectors.


01 Aug 2015 91
The only picture I took of downtown Oslo with a real camera. Compared to the Norwegian landscape, Oslo (like Trondheim and Bergen) was not all that photographically interesting. Plus I was by this point pretty much done with carrying 11lbs of camera equipment with me everywhere.

618 items in total