Midnight Sun

2015 Norway - Slideshow

Folder: Travel Stuff
A more manageable subset of the full Norway album.

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 44
Trolltunga and Ringedalsvatnet

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 62
Trolltunga and Ringedalsvatnet. Was standing about a foot back from the corner at the bottom of the image, when someone brushed past behind me and bumped my backpack. Yeah, that'll make your heart stop.

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 63
Trolltunga, from where you wait in line to go out and play tourist.

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 56
Me on Trolltunga

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 71
Me on Trolltunga - much happier than when I was standing up.

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 54
The backside of Trolltunga looks nothing like the front - you wouldn't even guess it looked like a diving board from here. Note the line of people waiting their turns.

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 60

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 56
Panorama of Ringedalsvatnet

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 49
Trolltunga and Ringedalsvatnet

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 48
Trolltunga and Ringedalsvatnet

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 96
"One does not simply hike into Ringedal! Not with ten thousand tourist hikers could you do this!"

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 56
Looking across Sorfjorden, near Odda

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

28 Jul 2015 58

Questionable Signage

28 Jul 2015 57
Even with the English translation right underneath it, it's still funny.

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

29 Jul 2015 57
On Preikestolen.

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

29 Jul 2015 89
I tried to get a representative shot of the crowd. I failed: it was significantly more crowded than it appears here (but on the other hand, apart from crowding in some spots on the trail the hordes of tourists really weren't a big deal).

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

29 Jul 2015 2 78
Long way down.

2015 Norway - Bergen to Oslo

29 Jul 2015 45

618 items in total