
The city is an endless thread

The city is an endless thread
you cannot stop unravelling.

Shadows on the street are pared
away. Each face becomes
beautiful and impossible

seen through a moving window
like dolls waving bright
paper flowers and flags.

Ian Seed: from "The Familiar Dead"


12 Dec 2021 7 5 161
Hay Street, Perth. Quite early in the morning, hence very few people, which makes a refreshing change. I know it's probably a little early in the season, but I wish all Ipernity members the best of a joyful Christmas. Even after more than 20 years, I still can't quite reconcile Christmas in Western Australia being in the heat of summer. It's nice, though; I don't appreciate the cold like I once did. I've become a southern softy. By the way, big is best; please press Z.


09 Apr 2016 18 7 172
Somewhere in the City, London; I don't remember exactly where.


20 Jan 2021 11 5 251
Corner of Murray Street and Barrack Street, Perth, WA. Early evening. Summer.


02 Oct 2013 15 4 253
Southern Cross station, Melbourne.


23 May 2012 12 3 235
Wakefield in less isolated times.


14 Jul 2015 26 11 466
(Bigger is brighter and better. Please press Z.)


22 Feb 2011 23 6 443
Oxford Street, Leederville, Perth


27 Oct 2019 16 5 369
(Bigger may be better. Please press Z.)


01 Jan 2019 18 13 364
Press Z for enlarging, please.


29 Dec 2015 8 6 394
Big and black is better (press Z, please).


29 Sep 2013 6 4 392
Melbourne, Australia


22 Jan 2018 8 4 354
Acland Street, St Kilda Press Z, please, to enlarge.

50 items in total