Old Owl's favorite articles
on nous appelle "les anciens"
On nous appelle "Les Anciens". Nous sommes nés dans les années 50 et 60. Nous avons grandi dans les années 60 et 70. Nous avons étudié dans les années 70 et 80. Nous sommes sortis ensemble dans les années 70, 80 et 90. Nous nous sommes mariés et avons exploré le monde durant ces décennies-là. Nous avons osé l'aventure dans les années 80 et 90. Nous nous sommes stabilisés dans les années 2000. Nous avons gagné en sagesse après 2010. Et nous avançons avec détermination au-delà de 2020.…
The shortest diary. A little story
December 12, 2023. Today I am a bear. I wander around the rooms, growl, rub back against the jambs, eat a liter of buckwheat honey, fall on the sofa, suck my paw and sleep. April 12, 2024. I'm a dog today. I rush around the rooms, knock down rugs, gnaw slippers and table legs, eat 2 kilograms of jelly, fall into the master's chair and sleep. August 12, 2024. Today I'm a cat. I carefully inspect the territory, take off a new sofa, steal a kilogram of sausages, bite the legs of…
My thoughts about sharing photos and Ipernity
Orginally wtitten as a reply to a comment by Homaris on Ipernity which can be found on Ipernity News Dec 1st 2023
Pylon the breeze carries traffic sounds across a tractor- scarred farmland... pylons above the bypass reiterate the vantage point of a buzzard...houses with grey blue slates ... nearly rhythmical murmur of the pines and far-heard traffic ... that’s how it always starts ... the engine of the reservoir, the soft light starts the red brick mantles of estates... the woman has her left arm raised to shoulder level and bent at the elbow ... that gesture... this, together with the smile that i…
2023-01-06 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, As the world turns, our global membership is experiencing changes in the weather from one season to another. For many it is the cold arriving for winter, but for others the warmth of summer or mild fluctuations at their equatorial locals. Whichever way your seasons flow, we wish you a Happy New Year! 1) User Interface Improvements. 1a) Membership renewal by bank transfer. In an effort to make the method for bank transfer membership re…
Preserving History
If you're like most people on this site, I suspect you take a few thousand photos yearly. I know I do. I'll be honest, a great many of mine are hardly worthy of a second look, but they accumulate in my computer's hard disk. Maybe a hundred or so yearly warrant that second look. Some, though even fewer, deserve 'historical retention' (for want of a better term). Let's work on the thought that the image of a great sunset, general landscape or flower isn't going to have 'historical retent…
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