home, sweet home



10 Aug 2008 15 12 179
HBM! ----- Samsung Digimax Pro 815


15 Feb 2022 20 33 231
Have a great and healthy weekend! HFF! - - - - - Asus Zenfone (and dark staircase, hence poor quality) That's a fence / security gate that I've had to install at my basement to keep my dog from following me every time I go upstairs (and downstairs) because it's not good for her old back legs (getting stiff or weak / collapsing). Understandably she is not happy about this particular add-on and tells me that it infringes her freedom rights...


15 May 2005 16 7 182
HWW! ----- Olympus C8080WZ


09 Feb 2022 11 9 183
Do you miss me here? Yeah? You do? I miss you too... Unfortunately I had to minimize my online presence recently. I promised my physician to avoid sitting by my (desktop) computer until I get a clean bill of health from her. It's actually part of a deal we made to keep me at home and avoid hospitalization. But I'll be back, I promise! - - - - - Asus Zenfone


06 Jan 2006 33 25 358
Happy New Year's Eve Balustrades and Stairs! May the New Year bring us happiness, peace and end of that scathing thing that is terrorizing the world now! ----- Olympus C8080WZ Taken at the Warsaw University of Technology, the Main Building, Main Auditorium illuminated for a carnival party.


25 Jun 2005 19 11 272
HWW! ----- Olympus C8080WZ


29 Jul 2005 15 8 215
HBM! ----- Olympus C8080WZ


15 May 2005 17 15 311
HWW! ----- Olympus C8080WZ Once upon ago... There was a pub in Łódź that I loved. It was called "Za Drzwiami" - "Behind Doors" and it was very popular with fellow photographers because the owner was a photographer himself and a man with great charisma and brilliant ideas to make the pub special. This is a fragment of one of the pub's walls with a piece of plumbing from a flat above (the pub was placed in basement of an old townhouse).


21 Dec 2021 16 12 224
Hi Dad! How are you doing there? It's been three years since you left us... But your portfolio is still here www.ipernity.com/doc/544051 and I promise to curate it the best I can. ----- Asus Zenfone and Silver Efex Pro 2


19 Nov 2005 26 19 302
Sitting and singing on a bench... (see the PiP) HBM! ----- Olympus C-8080WZ Taken long ago during a competition of high-school theatrical groups. The girl seemed disinterested at first but she eventually joined the boy and they were singing together. But do not ask me what was the song... long forgotten ;)


19 Jul 2007 20 10 217
Days are now so short, cold and dark that instead of going out with a camera I am browsing my digital archives... ----- Olympus C-8080WZ


19 May 2006 14 18 201
Days are now so short, cold and dark that instead of going out with a camera I am browsing my digital archives... ----- Olympus C8080WZ Best seen on black - press [Z]


19 Nov 2005 26 28 254
empty chairs, empty spaces ----- Olympus C-8080WZ


22 Aug 2005 36 31 254
Have a great and healthy weekend! HFF! ----- Olympus C8080WZ (end of August, 5:35 a.m. - waiting for sunrise)


01 Jul 2005 23 20 319
HWW! ----- Olympus C8080WZ I am so sure that I published it on Ipernity several years ago but I can't find it in any of my albums. So I am assuming it is a new contribution ;) If in doubt about the contents (it's a puzzle, isn't it?) see Google Street View (11 years later): www.google.pl/maps/@51.7603264,19.4589939,3a,75y,195.07h,90t/data=!3m3!1e1!3m1!2e0


19 Nov 2005 15 10 217
"A thing" for ceilings - another one from the past. ----- Olympus C8080WZ natural "almost" monochrome


30 Jul 2005 30 22 251
HBM! ----- Olympus C-8080WZ Candid photo taken at a medieval culture festival organized at the Ogrodzieniec Castle, Poland.


25 Jun 2005 12 8 191
Days are now so short, cold and dark that instead of going out with a camera I am browsing my digital archives... Some findings are surprising. There was a period when I had "a thing" for ceilings ;o ----- Olympus C8080WZ

501 items in total