LuddOnline - Lena Ekelund's photos

Cousin Dante and Pelle

location of our current house

15 Jan 2009 55
the new one will be located along the east border, 4m from the fence and 6m from the north


15 Jan 2009 35
1 square = 2 mtrs


15 Jan 2009 38
1 square = 2 mtrs




Scar healing nicely

22 Dec 2008 51
Asleep again : ) Here Abby is showing her tummy and her long scar.

X-mas helper

24 Dec 2008 58
Pelle, just before he steals a sprout leaf to play with and chew on.

Cute as can be

03 Jan 2009 60
Only time they are still enough to get both in one picture now is when they are asleep. Otherwise they appear only as blurs : )


10 Jan 2009 68
No longer can they hug in the YinYang position as they are now both too long. Note their tatoos. Abby on top.


10 Jan 2009 106
red dots, closest distance to fence blue lines apprx location of new house



Abby's body stocking v2.0

21 Dec 2008 75
The first was shredded after <24h, so I redesigned it and did the upper bit in a stable cotton flannel and the other with another piece of my old pj. The slot in the back gives her full freedom to move.

Just back from the vets after fixing

19 Dec 2008 48
Still a bit wobbly. Abby got absolute fits from the collar so I stitched up a body stocking for her to wear instead. Amazing what you can do with an old pj : ) Pelle was really good at not licking his stitches, so his collar was packed away after 12h.

Wrist warmers

22 Nov 2008 83
Lambswoll/Chinchilla mix

Mr Y snozzing