LuddOnline - Lena Ekelund's photos

MBA May Graduation

16 May 2009 91
Thank you to my kind husband for his support, all the way through to the end.

South African Spider God's Window

"A creative freezone"

08 Mar 2009 56
Helping you to read the morning paper is also a favourite pastime activity (Abby)

snake-like sunny eye

16 Apr 2009 66
As Tofu was blind for most of his life, we are not used to eyes like this.

Pelle, the panther

14 Apr 2009 92
Those sheep are really scary. Note Pelle's fluffy tail and ridged back.

Lending my body to science

25 Feb 2009 40
full regalia for a night at the sleep lab at Carlanderska, Gothenburg. (phase 3 study for new pharmaca, I blame Murphy I ended up in the placebo group, but got brilliant MOT in the bargain)

Practicing the art of doing nothing

Asleep again, but now to big for the Yin/Yang pose

Martin, Lowa and Abby

my first needle felted items

hearts and tail

17 Feb 2009 100
Pelle joined the photo session

close-up of sheep

17 Feb 2009 166
size of sheep 10x5 mm

Needle felted book mark

Sunset in Billdal

Märta's blanket

Abby, more like e hedgehog than usual

not only does Pelle eat carrot, but also melon. Wi…

bugger, we are wet

07 Feb 2009 56
first shower, no hitch nor scratch But they both spent more than 1.5h on getting dry again.

4099 items in total