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1/30 f/8.0 60.0 mm ISO 200


Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro

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Keith Burton

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213 visits

Dead Ivy

Dead Ivy
I found this on the side of the Civic Centre building near my house and thought it would look good as a close up!

Please view large for the full effect. Thanks for looking :-)

Diane Putnam, Jan, Gudrun, Christel Ehretsmann and 35 other people have particularly liked this photo

33 comments - The latest ones
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
A nice natural stillife with fine structures and nice colors, Keith !
3 years ago.
J.Garcia club
Beautiful shades of brown with the leaves walking, orderly , in the same direction
I really like the thickness of the image, Keith!
3 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Looks like we had a similar idea today Keith!! You have captured the ivy so beautifully and your editing is superb. The sharpness and detail are superb. That touch of silver toning looks wonderful!
3 years ago.
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Good work..
Have a lovely day.
3 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
schitterend deze dode wintergroen keith
3 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Awesome natural still life Keith; what a beautiful warm colours and razor-sharp details.
3 years ago.
Xata club
This looks like an old copper decoration, beautiful...
3 years ago.
 Jean-louis Thiaudiere
Jean-louis Thiaudier… club
Superbe Keith avec de jolis détails!!
3 years ago.
bonsai59 club
So viele Details im Bild! Gut gemacht mein Freund. Und die Braun-Töne gefallen mir auch! :-))
3 years ago.
Annemarie club
a beauitifuil monocrome.......
3 years ago.
 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
Very sculptural, too.
3 years ago.
You are right ! it makes a great close up, lots of different tones in the leaves makes them look bronze castings. Excellent shot Keith.
3 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Not sure what happened Keith. I was the first to comment but coming back I don't see it. I think I said something like this (but I could be wrong!);
'You do these leaves very proud in death, Keith' but it doesn't sound quite right; the words I used before were far better but those couple of glasses of vino at suppertime have obliterated another 1000 or so grey cells and I can't get it quite ritght now! :o(
3 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Not to worry Andy..............got there in the end! Not sure what went wrong in the first place but it was good of you to take the trouble to comment again!
3 years ago.
homaris club
3 years ago.
trester88 club
Sehr schöne Farben, Formen und Strukturen. Die Aufnahme wirkt im weichen Licht besonders gut!
3 years ago.
 Gary Benson (grbenson3 on flickr)
Gary Benson (grbenso…
You made those dried up leaves into a work of art. Great image.
3 years ago.
Rafael club
Se acaba el invierno...
3 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Wow! This generated more attention than I expected! Thank you all so much..!!
3 years ago.
 Colin Ashcroft
Colin Ashcroft club
Oh I missed this one Keith. Looks like it's one to print large and put it on the wall. Award winner ?
3 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Colin Ashcroft club
Thanks for your kind words Colin! Glad you like it.
3 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Wonderful colours and a terrific close up Keith,
apologies for not keeping up a bit busy at the moment.
3 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Roger (Grisly) club
No apologies needed Roger. If I remember correctly you're in the process of moving house!

Glad you like this one.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Berny club
good 3d-impression!
3 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Berny club
Thank you kind sir!
3 years ago.
 Christel Ehretsmann
Christel Ehretsmann club
like a carved picture
3 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Christel Ehretsmann club
I see exactly what you mean. Thanks Christel :-)
3 years ago.
Gudrun club
Fantastic! The colours look like rusty metal and the shapes seem to jump out of the monitor.
3 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Gudrun club
Thank you so much. It's amazing what you can find close to home when you can't go anywhere else. You start looking at things you wouldn't normally bother with.
3 years ago.
Great texture! Love this
3 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Jan
Thank you kind lady!
3 years ago.
 Diane Putnam
Diane Putnam club
Never has dead ivy looked better! Really, this is a classy shot, Keith.
3 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Diane Putnam club
Wow....my name and the word "classy" in the same sentence. A new experience for me :-)))

Glad you like it Diane..........and thank you!
3 years ago.

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