Mombretia out about 3 months too early

Some early April views

05 Apr 2019

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64 visits

My white rose plant

This is also on my kitchen window and soon it'll have rose buds on it - or at least I do hope so. The last few years it's given me about 4 flowers each year

05 Apr 2019

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79 visits

An amarylis just starting to grow

Soon it should flower bright red blooms. It was just a bulb in the pot for many months, and then suddenly last week it starting to shoot greenery. Yes I have a busy kitchen window sill considering it's a small one!!!

05 Apr 2019

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61 visits

The red tips of the cactus

You can just make out the orange/red tips indicating that soon I'll be blessed with flowers.

05 Apr 2019

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68 visits

My Easter cactus on my kitchen window sill

I noticed orange tips showing on the cactus, indicating that soon it'll bloom bright orange flowers

04 Apr 2019

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59 visits

The mombretia

It's really strange to see this flower growing at this time of year - it's usually around August. Still it's a lovely addition to the garden
14 items in total