
Isisbridge club

Posted: 12 Jul 2022

Taken: 08 Apr 2013

1 favorite     15 comments    80 visits

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Oxford City Council
litter bin
fox bin
Winchester Road
North Oxford
street furniture

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80 visits

nice black and gold litter bin

nice black and gold litter bin

Andy Rodker has particularly liked this photo

15 comments - The latest ones
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Well. I quite agree. Nice to see a bit of thought going into to the design of what is after all a mundane but necessary utility!
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Sadly, Oxford Council doesn't do pretty anymore and has replaced them with ugly metal cans.

said the bin to the bollard

But Howard will no doubt say I'm talking rubbish.
2 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Isisbridge club
2 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Rubbish! It's beautiful!
2 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
Which bin are you referring to?
2 years ago.
 John Lawrence
John Lawrence
I prefer the can.
2 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to John Lawrence
2 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to John Lawrence
Those that can, do.
2 years ago.
 Howard Somerville
Howard Somerville club
A non-ugly rubbish bin (excepting perhaps the talking bins in Efteling theme park) is surely an oxymoron. I airbrush them out, period.

My new camera, with its full-frame zoom lens (just arrived from China) wouldn't suit you at all. Together they weigh over 3 lbs! An awful lot to lug around, and now I'm not sure if it suits me either. For most of the pictures I take, it's going to be using a (big and heavy) sledgehammer to crack a nut.
2 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
You're just prejudiced against bins, because you think of their function before their beauty.

black and gold fox bin

Best not to buy from China if you can help it, though it can be Hobson's choice these days.
2 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
I won't say that you're talking rubbish, even when you are, Roy being so ultrasensitive (he's accused me of rubbishing HIM, after all the fine pictures I've ruined to humour him).

I *refuse* to say more, lest my comments be taken litterally.

The len* is Japanese. It's usually cheaper to buy such things online (even if they have to be shipped specially half-way round the world) than from UK retailers, if you can wait 2 or more weeks for delivery.

* The singular of "lens" is "len". I bought just the one len, though I already had several other lens.
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
It wasn't the cheapness I was thinking about, but the fact that we are supporting a totalitarian regime and digital surveillance society, which might soon be our own fate the way things are going.

P.S. Roy is very grateful that you've made the effort to recycle some of your trash.
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
Recycle? Has bin that I am, "On yer bike" is what I'd say to him.
2 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
He's got a puncture.
2 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
He might have ridden over some clippings from a thorn bush. If so, it was a hedge against inflation.
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.

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