Konica Autoreflex TC
This is a set of images taken with the Konica Autoreflex TC that belonged to my high school's yearbook staff, and which I used during my junior and senior years as their yearbook photographer. This would have been in 1978 and 1979.
Yearbook Photo
This was a scanned image of our high school yearbook staff which I cropped down to show me holding the Konica Autoreflex TC camera they had and which I used a lot.
The U.S.S. Enterprise.
This is the very first negative I ever shot on Kodak Tri-X black and white film. And it was just a couple years ago that I found it. Actually, I uncovered it. When the lab was developing this roll, they had tape over the beginning, which covered up this negative two numbers before the properly named number 1 negative. I removed the tape, washed off the tape residue and it revealed this first ever shot I took. Pretty important to me!
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon 50mm, f/1.7
Film: Kodak Tri-X, 400 ASA black and white film
Date: February 12th, 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica Tri-X Star Trek 00ef
Star Trek - "The Corbomite Maneuver"
Last night I took a picture of the television screen while Star Trek was on. I got to thinking that the shot looked familiar. Looking through my old negatives, I found an identical shot I had taken back in 1978. It's kind of weird having taken two identical shots that were spread out over so many years.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 ASA 35mm B&W film
Date: February 12th, 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica Tri-X Star Trek 09df
Birds Of A Feather
Taken on a snowy and cloudy afternoon back in February 1978.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm, f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor II 100 ASA 35mm
Date: February 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica KSF 5075 Feb 1978 09ef
NCO -vs- Lions
Taken most likely in 1978. This is something the Cardinal Artists drew so the varsity basketball team could run through it out onto the court and be introduced.
Country Drive
Some flowers I shot while driving on country roads around my area back in 1978.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100 35mm
Date: October 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
KSF5035 Country Drive 06gf
An old barn I shot while driving on country roads around my area back in 1978. Converted from color to black and white recently.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100 35mm
Date: October 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
KSF5035 Country Drive 03-bhf
Now, this is a sandwich!
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100
Date: 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica TC Sandwich 0ef
This was Barbara, who also worked on the high school yearbook staff with me. She was a year ahead of me in school, so this would have been for the 1977-1978 school year. Taken at a home basketball game. She is fixing Polaroid prints that ended up in that year's yearbook.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor II 100
Date: 1977/1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica TC Barbara 12-3ef
This was my cousin Laurie, back in early 1978. She wanted me to take some portraits for her.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100
Date: circa March 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica 5035 Laurie 03-2df
A timed exposure from back in 1978. It was a six-inch long glow-in-the-dark icicle Christmas tree decoration that I sat on my turntable and turned it on. As it spun during the timed exposure, it left this pattern.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100
Date: 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica 5035 Laurie 11nf
Holiday Inn 1978
A Cloud In The Sky
I took this with my high school's yearbook camera. I was the yearbook photographer at my school for two years.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100
Date: June 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica KSF 5035 Yard 1978 25ef
All Right.... I Don't Wanna Hear Any Cracks About…
Taken at Pounds Hollow, circa 1978. I used a Konica camera and lens.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100
Date: 1978
Location: Pounds Hollow, Shawnee National Forest, Southern Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica TC Pounds Hollow - 21-3gf
Shot around 1977/1978.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak 100 color film
Date: circa 1977/1978.
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica TC Dana 10gf
Miss Springtime
Taken sometime in the Spring of 1978, most likely. I shot all the contestants and their mother's bought 8x10's from me.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100
Date: Spring 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica KSF5035 05ef
What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made a Loser Out…
In early 1978, there was an accident quite near my house. It was some friends of mine who had been out cruising and slid off the road due to snowy conditions and into the ditch that ran along Division Street. Nobody was hurt, but I've always had my suspicions that it was more than snow involved. This picture seemingly paints a different story.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100
Date: 1978
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.
Konica TC Littlefield 01ff
1969 Cadillac Sedan de Ville
A Cadillac that wasn't all that old when I photographed it back in 1978.
Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC
Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7
Film: Kodak Kodacolor, 100 ASA 35mm
Date: 1978
Location: Fairfield, Illinois, U.S.A.
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