
HaarFager club

Posted: 07 Dec 2019

Taken: 06 Dec 2019

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Too Many Books?

Too Many Books?
In my opinion, it's not possible to have too many books! Every now and then, after I get some new ones, I have to reorganize my bookshelves, depending on what books I get. This is my Classics bookcase I'm updating in this image.

I like to have them organized so I can find what I want when I need to. When you have over 7,000 books, having them organized is a must!

These stacks represent a lot of my favorite authors - John Steinbeck (we share a birthday), Mark Twain (I was named after him), H.G. Welles, Robert Louis Stevenson, Nevil Shute and many more.

aNNa schramm, Wierd Folkersma, Valfal, Heide and 7 other people have particularly liked this photo

21 comments - The latest ones
 Karen's Place
Karen's Place club
Wow. That's a lot of books! Looks like you've got some good ones there, Kenny.

Love all the notes!
5 years ago.
Taormina club
"These fragments I have shored against my ruins"
5 years ago.
Xata club
I think we never have enough shelves. But now I make choices, those I did like less and/or will never read again go to the public library so other people can enjoy them.
5 years ago.
HaarFager club has replied to Xata club
Some that I know I would never read again or that I have two copies of, I donate to the VA hospital.
5 years ago.
Annaig56 club
bien vu
5 years ago.
You can't have too many books.
5 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Interesting titles in this heap. Some of them I read, too ! The picture reminds me a little bit of my living room. A beautiful scenery !
5 years ago.
Nautilus club
Mais c 'est comme chez moi !!!!!!! des piles de livres ( achetés pas chers dans des " foires " aux livres ) , et que j ' envisage de lire....un jour. Tu as bon goût : Homère, Thoreau , Marry Shelley , Steinbeck....
5 years ago.
HaarFager club has replied to Nautilus club
Thank you - all great authors!
5 years ago.
neira-Dan club
je crois que je te bats au niveau des piles et du nombre
5 years ago.
 Diederik Santema
Diederik Santema club
7000 books? By reading one each day it is a little more than 19 years of reading...
5 years ago.
HaarFager club has replied to Diederik Santema club
I figure at least I'll always have something to read that I haven't read before, even if I don't make it all the way through reading them all.
5 years ago.
Esther club
I adore books. They are like old friends.
5 years ago.
HaarFager club has replied to Esther club
So true.
5 years ago.
 Roger Bennion
Roger Bennion club
That is an impressive collection, Kenny. And, a great idea to identify lots of them using the Note option.
5 years ago.
Amelia club
I see you have one of my favourite books in your classic collection, Walden. Mine is a very old and well-thumbed copy given to me by a dear friend who passed away 4 years ago. Thank you for jogging my memory.
5 years ago.
Heide club
I know Huckleberry Finn; and I like Mark Twain a lot.
A very nice staveled compilation, fabulously presented.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Chrissy club
man kann nie genug Bücher haben
5 years ago.
Valfal club
Real books will never go out of style, no matter how hard technology tries to take over; great collection, Kenny!
5 years ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
it looks like parts of our cellar..
5 years ago.
 Raven Lunatic
Raven Lunatic club
I'm a lifelong bookworm as well, and we have shelves full of them. Even to this day I much prefer to read from paper, than any electronic device.
5 years ago.

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