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love cooking for two

love cooking for two

Heidiho, Gabriella Siglinde, , Elena M and 17 other people have particularly liked this photo

16 comments - The latest ones
Annemarie club
molto carina
6 years ago.
 Erika Akire
Erika Akire
...ein karges Essen;)...
6 years ago.
Gabi Lombardo club has replied to Erika Akire
6 years ago.
Das falsche "Werkzeug". :-))
6 years ago.
Gabi Lombardo club has replied to Thorsten
....die Nüsse sind nur dekorativ...;-)))
6 years ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Hübscher Blickfang !
6 years ago.
 Beatrice Degan(MARS)
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club
solo decorative le noci ;-))
no no !!:-)parti essenziali e decisamente significative , come le forchette amorosamente incrociate , cara Gabi, in questa bellissima composizione d'impatto immediato!
Buona serata da bea
6 years ago.
Gabi Lombardo club has replied to Beatrice Degan(MARS) club
...beh, se le vuoi mangiare le noci sono tutte tue!!! e buona serata a te, Bea!
6 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Schönes Stilleben der etwas anderen Art, Gabi !
6 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
;-))) und Justinus ist auch dabei :-)))
6 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Wonderful composition!

Admired in:
6 years ago.
 Giorgio Bree
Giorgio Bree
Mangiare le noci con la forchetta è da veri acrobati!
6 years ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
nessuno lo pretende...e poi: chi ti dice che non siano di marzapane?
6 years ago.
Giorgio Bree has replied to Gabi Lombardo club
Perché le noci di marzapane le inforchetti?
6 years ago.
 My Awake Gottica (m.a.g)
My Awake Gottica (m.…
hmmm, very inspiring ... I should visit you ...:)
6 years ago.
Léopold club
Mieux vaut utiliser des fourchettes que ses dents !
6 years ago.

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