
Bright colours and shiny things

My profile says I like bright colours and shiny things, but I haven't actually posted a lot of photos of them.

I will try harder.

Happy Fence Friday

06 Sep 2021 17 32 207
Back at the Richmond Hotel (an earlier view is in the PiP at upper left).
20 Sep 2021 11 22 205
It’s Election Day in Canada! Will the PPC take votes from the CPC? Did Shachi Kurl’s ( not Scaachi Koul’s) question at the English-language leaders’ debate hand QC to the BQ? Will the CPC slogan alienate UCP voters in AB? Has the WE scandal hurt the LPC? And with Jagmeet Singh being so popular why isn’t the NDP? I dunno. What am I, some kind of psychic? My crystal ball's at the cleaner's,anyway(s). I'm hoping for another minority government, though. Not only do they seem to be more productive but they are also way more entertaining.
07 Feb 2022 16 17 212
My first post of a photo taken in 2022. As soon as I uploaded it I realized it looks like someone with their tongue hanging out of the left side of their mouth but I'm willing to overlook that. I'm feeling a bit peaked at the moment so will start commenting on other people's photos tomorrow,

Port Huron, Michigan

14 Nov 2015 22 19 161
The large version annoys my eyes less. Type Z to find out if your eyes think the same way.
27 Feb 2016 20 18 114
St. John the Compassionate Mission (American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese), Toronto. This re-edit seems to have taken on a Pre-Raphaelite air. Without the usual condescending Victorian moral, though. I hope so, anyway.

St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto

Happy Fence Friday!

Front Street West, Toronto

29 Sep 2010 18 17 152
The sculpture is Triad by Ted Bieler.
10 Sep 2009 8 10 142
Two Liberal campaign signs from the Ontario provincial election of 2009.

Happy Ford Friday!

10 Aug 2013 24 22 207
1948 Ford Deluxe.
22 Aug 2015 21 12 109
This bold installation at the corner of University Ave. and Richmond St, in Toronto is now half-demolished. Only the four pipes/ducts in the middle remain. The Philistine Compact still rules Toronto.

149 items in total