
01 Jan 2020 8 20 186
I prefer the big version myself (type Z or click the pic). Your taste may differ.
20 Jan 2020 17 23 224
I like the big version; you be the judge. Type Z or click the pic.

Happy Fence Friday

18 Feb 2014 21 21 199,+Toronto,+ON/@43.6480192,-79.3835223,3a,37.5y,29.17h,74.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjDJ_7G607xoqNcfRDyFQiA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x882b34d239da86cf:0x6cc9aae21d43fff0!8m2!3d43.6476565!4d-79.3848108

Richmond and Queens, London, Ontario

17 Feb 2021 15 21 192
I prefer the really big view -- type Z then click the representation of a frame at top right), but your preference may vary. I believe Édifice Dominion Public should should, by Canadian standards, read Édifice Dominion-Public , or, better yet, Édifice fédéral . The word "Dominion" is pretty much taboo in Canada now (as a vestige of colonial rule) except in the names of the beautiful Dominion Public Buildings that the federal government put up all over the country.
02 Feb 2014 32 30 174
Lots of detail in the big views (type Z to find out if I'm telling the truth).

Happy Fence Friday

17 Dec 2016 14 20 77
I'm fascinated by grids but I don't know why. Perhaps it was years of staring at computer screens displaying SPSS data files. Or maybe my near-lifelong obsession with crosswords. Or maybe I was attracted to crosswords and data analysis by an unconscious obsession with grids. Know thyself my bum.

Nassau in winter 2

11 Feb 2015 15 16 83
Nassau Street and Spadina Avenue, Toronto, 2015. For another view of Nassau in winter click the PiP at top left.

Happy Fence Friday!

Happy Bench Monday!

42 items in total