Sentinels of light
Night reflections
Tramonto sul Canal Grande a Trieste
Una città in festa
The thin line of existence
Muggia (TS)
In un bar di Trieste
Ai tavolini
Per le strade di Muggia (TS)
Trieste: statua di Italo Svevo
La lettura
Al mercato del pesce
L'Adige a Ponte Pietra (VR)
Ritratto di signora in attesa
Per la stessa strada
Il panino
In a cold and rainy evening
Il "Mercato del Porcellino" a Firenze
En la noche
Pisa, Piazza Sant'Omobono/2
Street musician
Livorno, via della Madonna
La città si addormenta ....
Waterfront at dusk
Old and lonely bicycle
La venditrice di pop corn
Verona by night
Gente di Carpi (MO)
Di questa nostra, timida estate ......
Two ice creams
Pizza & friends
Coup de foudre
Il "teatro del Silenzio" a Lajatico (PI)
A boat for shelter
Geometria esistenziale
I'm nothing but a stranger in this world
La firma
The ancient eye/3
By bike in the fog
Chiesa di Santa Caterina, interno
Firenze, mercato di San Lorenzo
L'attesa del "rider"
Vicino San Zeno (VR)
You and Me, touching the sky ......
Right near the lighthouse
Lat, Lng:
You can copy the above to your favourite mapping app.
Address: unknown
You can copy the above to your favourite mapping app.
Address: unknown
See also...
Photos avec un message, une alerte , une émotion, un symbole, une réflexion, une drôlerie
Photos avec un message, une alerte , une émotion, un symbole, une réflexion, une drôlerie
The art of the photographer - L'art du photographe - Die Kunst des Fotografen
The art of the photographer - L'art du photographe - Die Kunst des Fotografen
"Portraits de rêve, Portraits of dream, Ritratti da sogno, Traumporträts, Retratos de sueños
"Portraits de rêve, Portraits of dream, Ritratti da sogno, Traumporträts, Retratos de sueños
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Regards et citations - CLOSED - images et paroles - NEW ADMIN NEEDED
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Into the music
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photosofghosts club has replied to BoroAmitiés
Un rendu très évocateur et bien mémorisé.
Bonne et agréable fin de soirée.
photosofghosts club has replied to Malik Raoulda clubAmitiés
photosofghosts club has replied to Leo W clubAll the best
photosofghosts club has replied to Jean-louis Thiaudier… clubAmitiés
All the best
My eldest was playing at a festival last weekend.
I just had the job of looking after her dog :-)
All the best,
photosofghosts club has replied to Rosalyn HilborneSpeaking seriously, in this photo I wanted to underline the concentration of the musician and the symbiosis that had been created with his instrument.
Always happy to talk to you
photosofghosts club has replied to Günter Diel clubAll the best
photosofghosts club has replied to Josiane Dirickx clubCordialement
bellissima presa
photosofghosts club has replied to Annemarie clubCiao
photosofghosts club has replied to Annaig56 clubAvec amitié
Il chitarrista diventa davvero una cosa sola con il suo strumento e si perde nella musica, trasmettendoci il suo abbandono con l’intensità dell’espressione del suo volto, che hai ripreso in maniera così efficace con il tuo inconfondibile bn !Totale concentrazione, grande uso della luce e a completare il tutto la figura di un altro musicista che sembra seguire ogni nota, contribuendo a rendere l’immagine ancora più coinvolgente.
Le note arrivano fino a qui, anche perché, come dice il grande poeta romantico John Keats ,“heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter “.
Un saluto affettuoso ,
photosofghosts club has replied to Adele clubHo sempre amato il suono della chitarra, in particolare quella elettrica, tipico strumento della musica rock che sin da ragazzo ho seguito con interesse, soprattutto per gli assolo.
Grazie per le belle parole e per la citazione che ci fa sperare in sensazioni migliori per il futuro e anche, perchè no, in una vita migliore.
Un saluto affettuoso
photosofghosts club has replied to Makrofan clubAll the best
photosofghosts club has replied to Joe, Son of the Rock clubThank you so much
photosofghosts club has replied to Anton Cruz Carro clubAll the best
Thank you for your kind comments about my photos. I am just a passionate traveller and love adventure and photographing it .,though my arthritis proves problematic at times. I do not exhibit. I spend more time when at home singing baroque repertoire and practising music daily than I do taking photos. Enjoy your Sunday. Best wishes, Diana
photosofghosts club has replied to Diana Australis clubUnlike you, I travel very little and live my photographic adventures (LOL!) near my home, in my city.
But even common, everyday life sometimes reserves surprises to immortalize.
Best regards, I really hope that your arthritis doesn't stop you from travelling
Perfetta la scelta del b/ classe non è acqua
Un caro saluto
photosofghosts club has replied to Mariagrazia Gaggero clubSpero vada tutto bene, ti mando un grande abbraccio
Mariagrazia Gaggero club has replied to photosofghosts clubla nostra vita tra Genova e Finale. Accontentiamoci
Un abbraccio
photosofghosts club has replied to Mariagrazia Gaggero clubUn abbraccio
Best wishes Carol
photosofghosts club has replied to Ecobird clubThank you, dear Carol
Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
photosofghosts club has replied to Günter Klaus clubAll the best
Günter Klaus club has replied to photosofghosts clubphotosofghosts club has replied to Günter Klaus clubSign-in to write a comment.