
photosofghosts deceased

Posted: 19 May 2023

Taken: 04 May 2023

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ice creams

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Two ice creams

Two ice creams

Bruno Suignard, Günter Klaus, Ch'an, Maria Rainer-Giotto and 46 other people have particularly liked this photo

53 comments - The latest ones
uwschu club
Wie sie schaut, gibt es gleich Ärger, wenn sie nichts abbekommt :-))
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to uwschu club
Probably you are right, uwschu !
Special thanks
20 months ago.
 Joe, Son of the Rock
Joe, Son of the Rock club
A lovely candid street scene, Fabio. which is well suited to black and white. I hope you have an excellent weekend. All the best, Joe
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Joe, Son of the Rock club
Very kind with me as usual, dear Joe !
All the best
20 months ago.
Ceci est une ice ;o) Superbe n&b
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Boro
En réalité l'homme tient deux glaces à la main, cher Boro !
20 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
houd de beentjes maar bijelkaar ;-)))
20 months ago.
Annaig56 club
Mi piace l'atteggiamento della signora che si chiede se sia sensato mangiare un gelato. Ottima foto che fa sorridere in monocromia. Buon fine settimana fabio ***
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Annaig56 club
Elle n'avait probablement plus envie d'en manger et l'a donné à son mari qui en a maintenant deux, ma chère Annick !
Merci pour les invitations, amitiés
20 months ago.
Annaig56 club has replied to photosofghosts club
poveri signori siete spesso adorabili davanti alle donne non è vero fabio ;)
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Annaig56 club
Il m'a semblé très patient, elle un peu intolérante, chère Annick !
20 months ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Beautiful candid.
Enjoy your weekend.
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Special thanks for your kindness, dear Jaap !
All the best
20 months ago.
©UdoSm club
A beautiful street scene...
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to ©UdoSm club
Hi, dear Udo, thank you so much !!
All the best
20 months ago.
Annemarie club
20 months ago.
 Jadviga Grase
Jadviga Grase club
Great photo that makes me smile :)
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Jadviga Grase club
And that was the purpose of the photo, dear Jadviga!
All the best
20 months ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
A very well seen street-scene, Fabio !
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Ulrich John club
Thank you so much, dear Ulrich !
Warm greetings
20 months ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
I hope he handed one of them over Fabio :-) Although the lady doesn't seem too interested!
It is perfect in monochrome and we can even see the time!
Best wishes and a good weekend,
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
In reality, the man ate both ice creams (that's better, too many sweets make me sick ...), while the woman seemed slightly annoyed.
Thanks for your visit, dear Rosa
Warm greetings
20 months ago.
elvigiadelosamanecer… club
Me gusta el encuadre, la composición y el blanco y negro.
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club
Very kind, elvigiadelosamanecer !
All the best
20 months ago.
Nathalie club
:-).....bien vu !!!
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Nathalie club
Merci, chère Nathalie !
20 months ago.
sea-herdorf club
Es ist nicht ihre Sorte.
Sie wurde nicht gefragt.
Jetzt ißt er beide...
...und die Stimmung ist verdorben.
Du besitzt eine starke Beobachtungsgabe und die Kunst unauffällig solche starken Bilder zu schießen, Fabio.
Freundliche Grüße und ein angenehmes Wochenende
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to sea-herdorf club
Du hast das Bild sehr präzise beschrieben und mir ein großes Kompliment gemacht, für das ich dir danke, lieber Erich.
Ein herzlicher Gruß
20 months ago.
 Frank J Casella
Frank J Casella
Great street photo, and personality portrait.
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Frank J Casella
Thank you so much, dear Frank !
Nice Sunday
20 months ago.
 Günter Diel
Günter Diel club
Eine starke Szene. Gruß Günter
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Günter Diel club
Thanks again, Gunther
Nice Sunday
20 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Superb monochrome!

Admired in:
20 months ago.
Adele club
Mi accorgo solo adesso che hai pubblicato una nuova street…. e che street!
Ancora una volta un’ottima foto dimostra che le parole non servono.
Basta guardarla in faccia per capire quanto il gelato non la interessi e quanto probabilmente farà pesare al compagno il tutto… lui si consolerà con un doppio gelato e noi ci siamo gustati ( é il caso di dire!) questa piccola bagarre grazie alla tua incredibile capacità di catturare il tutto, con la scelta d’obbligo del tuo bn DOC!
Complimenti Fabio caro, Bea direbbe anche hat off o chapeau bas!
Un saluto affettuoso,
20 months ago. Edited 20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Adele club
Possiamo pensare che c'è tensione tra i due a prescindere dal gelato, carissima Adele ?
Lo sguardo di lei (che si ripete anche nelle altre due istantanee che ho fatto) non preannuncia niente di buono. Forse mi sbaglio e ingigantisco il problema ..... magari qualche scrittore, tipo Andrea De Carlo, ci troverebbe lo spunto per la trama di un romanzo che parla di una coppia in crisi.
.... ma devo dire che io mi sono divertito molto, con la mia compatta tornata miracolosamente in vita, a fotografare la gente in quel di Volterra, come nella foto precedente.
Un saluto affettuoso
20 months ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
due a lui e a lei niente ??? ;-)
candid geniale, da costruirci una storiella
salutoni !
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Nora Caracci club
A lei non andava quel gelato, cara Nora !
Grazie per la visita
20 months ago.
 Dominique Sarrazin
Dominique Sarrazin club
La glace n'est pas à son goût, d'ailleurs rien ne lui convient aujourd'hui ! Belle scène de rue Fabio **************************
20 months ago.
Dominique Sarrazin club has added
Va t'il vraiment se sacrifier ?
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Dominique Sarrazin club
Le problème semblerait être la glace, cher Dominique, mais je pense qu'il y a quelque chose de plus sérieux entre eux.
20 months ago.
 Patrick Brandy
Patrick Brandy club
Excellent n&b bonne journée.
20 months ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
:-))) Two is better :-))
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to aNNa schramm club
A lei non è piaciuto il gelato, carissima aNNa, e la vedo anche un pò contrariata ....
Grazie per gli inviti !
Un caro saluto
20 months ago.
 Corinne Queme
Corinne Queme
Très belle image, on perçoit un problème sérieux pour ce couple.
20 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Corinne Queme
Sûrement, Corinne, il doit y avoir un problème entre eux.
20 months ago.
wie Geister seht ihr nicht aus....
20 months ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Superb image Fabio !!!!!!!!!!!
20 months ago.
 Eva Lewitus
Eva Lewitus club
Obviously, she didn´t want chocolate ice cream. So, after he ate both of them he got her a strawberry one... In the meantime, they had a good rest.
18 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Eva Lewitus club
The lady seemed a little nervous to me, dear Eva, and probably not because of the ice cream.....
Have a nice day
18 months ago.
 Maria Rainer-Giotto
Maria Rainer-Giotto club
Сool street scene!
17 months ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Aber das ist kein Gentleman,er will ein Eis nicht hergeben,aber diese Szene gefällt mir sehr gut in SW lieber Fabio :))

Wüsche noch einen schönen Abend,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
15 months ago.
photosofghosts club has replied to Günter Klaus club
On the contrary, dear Güni, she no longer liked ice cream and he offered to finish it!
Nice Sunday
15 months ago.
Günter Klaus club has replied to photosofghosts club
Oh,dann nehm ich meine Worte zurück und ernenne ihn zu einen wahren Gentleman lieber Fabio :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Sonntag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
15 months ago.

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