Barrel Springs Back Country Byway, NV 2369a

Nevada - Northwest

Folder: Nevada
Roughly from Carson City north and east to Winnemucca and then the Idaho border and west to the California border, includes Reno.

Barrel Springs Back Country Byway, NV 2369a

15 Jul 2006 161
From Nevada, looking back across Lower Alikali Lake towards mountains in California

Barrel Springs Back Country Byway, NV 2370a

15 Jul 2006 160
The Barrel Springs Backcountry Byway in Nevada. The byway was very isolated, with very few farms and passing only one other vehicle in the space of about 2 hours.

Barrel Springs Back Country Byway, NV 2374a

15 Jul 2006 1 185
The Barrel Springs Backcountry Byway in Nevada. The byway was very isolated, with very few farms and passing only one other vehicle in the space of about 2 hours.

Black Rock Desert, NV (0166)

02 Jul 2014 292
Playa of the Black Rock Desert, the clouds on the playa are from vehicles out on it. Talk in town was that some were out there preparing for Burning Man.

Black Rock Desert, NV (0168)

02 Jul 2014 3 379
County route 34, along the north side of the Black Rock Desert, with vehicles (preparation for Burning Man?) out on the playa. Best viewed on black.

Black Rock Desert, NV Soldiers Meadow Road (0169)

02 Jul 2014 1 304
Looking north from Soldiers Meadow Road, which runs on the north side of Black Rock Desert. Best viewed on black.

Black Rock Desert, NV Soldiers Meadow Road (0170)

02 Jul 2014 1 295
From Soldiers Meadow Road, which runs on the north side of Black Rock Desert.

Black Rock Desert, NV Soldiers Meadow Road (0171)

02 Jul 2014 2 2 484
Deceivingly smooth.... I was taking Soldiers Meadow Road to get to a remote campground at a ranch. It would have been a beautiful drive, but there stretches of washboard that were so deep that I could do no more than 5MPH. I gave up and headed back to Gerlach.

Black Rock Desert, NV Soldiers Meadow Road (0172)

02 Jul 2014 3 326
Deserted farm/ranch, from Soldiers Meadow Road. Best viewed on black.

Black Rock Desert, NV sunrise (0189)

03 Jul 2014 4 1 281
Sunrise over the Black Rock Desert.

Black Rock Desert, NV sunrise (0195)

03 Jul 2014 243
Looking back towards Gerlach, as the sun begins to rise.

Black Rock Desert, NV sunrise (0214)

03 Jul 2014 3 290
Sunrise over the Black Rock Desert. The fence lines are a reminder of what was once a farm or ranch in a location that was, before the recent discovery of the desert as a destination, largely vast unknown expanses.

Black Rock Desert, NV sunrise (0215)

03 Jul 2014 1 2 274
Sunrise over the Black Rock Desert. The clouds on the playa are from people driving across it.

Black Rock NV playa (0251)

03 Jul 2014 254
Coming in from somewhere out on the playa. I saw them on the road, it looked like they'd been camping.

Black Rock, NV playa access (0217)

03 Jul 2014 2 334
Playa access at sunrise.

Empire, NV (0256)

03 Jul 2014 249
The closed, former company-town of Empire, NV. The town was a classic company town with all residents being either employees of US Gypsum or relatives of employees. Access to the town is through the plant gates and thus the town was emptied in 2011 when the plant closed. There are guard / groundskeepers, which accounts for why the town does not look abandoned.

Empire, NV (0257)

03 Jul 2014 223
From left to right, the closed town of Empire (see adjaenct picture), the closed US Gypsum plant, and then stores on the highway that were not part of the town of Empire and are still open. Behind one of the stores are remnants of Burning Man vehicles.

Empire, NV US Gypsum (0253)

03 Jul 2014 299
Tailings and US Gypsum plant in Empire, NV; the plant close in 2011.

136 items in total