Search through David Slater (Spoddendale)'s photos

  Shooting date  /  1996  /  June  /  11   -   13 photos

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Flights Travel Group K12 FTG and FTG 9 at the Nati…

Flights Travel Group K12 FTG at the National Exhib…

Flights Travel Group FTG 9 at the National Exhibit…

Flights Travel Group M10 FTG at the National Exhib…

Owens of Newhouse XKW 870 (Scottish Citylink contr…

West Midlands Travel 2867 (B867 DOM) and 2633 (ROX…

KMP Llanberis (Wales) J117 NJT (in Eurolines/Bus É…

Ulsterbus AAZ 1670 leaving Digbeth, Birmingham - 1…

Horseman Coaches L350 MKU and R.D.J. Coaches K532…

The Kings Ferry 4.3 (H3 KFC) at the National Exhib…

The Kings Ferry 7.2 (K15 KFC) at the National Exhi…

HBM: Lady Godiva watching buses in Coventry – 11 J…

Harry Roffey N985 CKM at the National Exhibition C…