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Around Loch Affric

Around Loch Affric
This was taken on a walk around Loch Affric in Scotland.

Buelipix, Guido Werner, , Klara Gellet and 5 other people have particularly liked this photo

12 comments - The latest ones
Jean-Paul club
There is no such thing as bad weather, only sometimes unsuitable clothing. Everything is perfect here, including the red eye-catcher.
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Jean-Paul club
Thank you Jean-Paul. It was a very wet day that made it more fun trying to get across the rivers flowing off the hills.
3 months ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
You just cant beat a day like this for a hike. You got to be dedicated for this weather. Thanks for sharing.

4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Herb Riddle club
Thank you Herb. The good thing about the rain is that it keeps the Midges at bay. We had to put head nets on when the rain stopped!
3 months ago.
Annemarie club
Have a peaceful week!
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Annemarie club
Thank you, you too!
3 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
dit weer hebben we nu hier ook tussen de heuvels drijf je zonder te stappen naar beneden als ik hier zie het nog af te leggen stuk in de verte,,dan denk ik arme ....geeft wel de sfeer goed weer
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Fred Fouarge club
Thank you Fred. I like the atmosphere of the hills in this weather.
3 months ago.
 Guido Werner
Guido Werner club
You have wonderfully captured the atmosphere of the rainy wheather. This photo very well documents that you don't need have good wheather to make interesting photos!
2 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Guido Werner club
Thank you Guido. I sometimes find the best scenes are in bad weather. I hate getting my lens wet on my camera so the phone has to be handy instead.
2 months ago.
Buelipix club
When the weather is fine, everyone can hike and take photos!
2 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Buelipix club
Thank you Buelipix. In this weather it is extra exciting trying to cross swollen rivers! It was fun because we made it! :)
7 weeks ago.

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