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November-Tristesse (mit ChatGPT generiert)
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Unter den Hut geschaut - Looking under the cap
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Zeigt her eure Hände ... Show me your hands ...
1/250 • f/5.6 • 160.0 mm • ISO 1250 •
E 70-350mm F4.5-6.3 G OSS
EXIF - See more detailsSee also...
Makroaufnahmen aus einer tiefen Perspektive :)) Macro shots from a deep perspective :)) Prises de vue macro d'une perspective profonde :))
Makroaufnahmen aus einer tiefen Perspektive :)) Macro shots from a deep perspective :)) Prises de vue macro d'une perspective profonde :))
" A travers les champs, les forêts et les prairies "
" A travers les champs, les forêts et les prairies "
" Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "
" Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "
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42 visits
Ökosystem Baumstumpf - Ecosystem tree stump
Diesen Baumstumpf entdeckte ich in einem Eichenmischwald. Verschiedene Pilzarten (braunrote Hutpilze und weiße PIlzkrusten) haben den Baumstumpf besiedelt. Ihr Mycel durchzieht das Totoholz und baut es ab. Zusätzlich leben auf dem Baumstumpf noch Algen und Moose, sogar Efeu hat sich festgekrallt. Ein vielfältiger Lebensraum!
I came across this tree stump in a mixed oak forest, where it has become a thriving microhabitat. Different fungi, including brown-red cap varieties and white species, have colonized, their mycelium spreading through the dead wood and aiding in its decomposition. The stump is also home to algae and mosses, while ivy has begun to climb its surface. A remarkable example of ecological diversity!
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I came across this tree stump in a mixed oak forest, where it has become a thriving microhabitat. Different fungi, including brown-red cap varieties and white species, have colonized, their mycelium spreading through the dead wood and aiding in its decomposition. The stump is also home to algae and mosses, while ivy has begun to climb its surface. A remarkable example of ecological diversity!
Erhard Bernstein, sea-herdorf, Percy Schramm, Martin H. and 14 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Wünsche noch einen schönen Tagesausklang,liebe Grüße Güni :))
Happy evening!
Bonne et agréable soirée paisible et reposante.
Splendid image and information, Reinhold
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