Joseph & Mary with their little baby Jesus... Hope…
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Nativity in Baarn, the Netherlands...
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Basilica of Our Lady, Maastricht
Nativity in Maastricht, Netherlands...
Nativity in Baarn, the Netherlands...
Nativity in Baarn, the Netherlands...
Buon Natale! "Venite, cantiamo al Signore, acclami…
Nativity in Baarn, the Netherlands...
Nativity in Baarn, the Netherlands...
Nativity in Elburg, the Netherlands...
The Strasbourg Cathedral
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Stroll through Turin / Torino Piemont Tour 2019…
Detail with Belltower from the St. Peter's Basilic…
St. Peter's Basilica, Rome...
Detail from the top of the St. Peter's Basilica, R…
Exactly twelve o'Clock in Rome....
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.…
Felicxan Kristnaskon:)
Jesus Washing Disciple's Foot 03
Christmas nativity scene at 3-King's Day. ©UdoSm
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Basilica del Santo Sepolcro
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dal Monte Sion all'Orto degli Ulivi
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l'Adorazione dei Magi. affresco del Pordenone
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Die Beweinung Christi - The Lamentation of Christ
In der ehemaligne Klosterkirche der Zisterzienserinnen St. Afra im kleinen Dörfchen Maidbronn befindet sich dieses große eindrucksvolle Relief aus grauem Sandstein, ein Meisterwerk des berühmten Würzburger Bildhauers Tilman Riemenschneider (geschaffen um 1520). Es zeigt die Beweinung Christi nach der Abnahme seines Leichnams vom Kreuz. Es ist ein Motiv, das in der Malerei und Bildhauerei vom Spätmittelalter bis zum Barock vielfach dargestellt wurde. Das Foto ist eine Detailaufnahme.
In the former monastery church of the Cistercian nuns St. Afra in the small village of Maidbronn you can find this large impressive relief of grey sandstone, a masterpiece of the famous sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider (created around 1520). It shows the mourning of Christ after the removal of his body from the cross. It is a motif that has been widely represented in painting and sculpture from the Late Middle Ages to the Baroque.
♪♫ Und hier die passende Musik: Karl Jenkins: Stabat Mater♫♪
Translate into English
In the former monastery church of the Cistercian nuns St. Afra in the small village of Maidbronn you can find this large impressive relief of grey sandstone, a masterpiece of the famous sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider (created around 1520). It shows the mourning of Christ after the removal of his body from the cross. It is a motif that has been widely represented in painting and sculpture from the Late Middle Ages to the Baroque.
♪♫ Und hier die passende Musik: Karl Jenkins: Stabat Mater♫♪
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Happy Easter.
Danke für´s Zeigen..auch von mir!
Und hier ist die passende Musik dazu, Stabat Mater von Karl Jenkins
cammino club has replied to trester88 clubtrester88 club has replied to cammino clubFrohe Ostern!
Frohe Ostern
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