Patio Life: Vapourer Caterpillars

My Patio Wildlife

Folder: Nature Spaces
Things I've put or found or seen from on my patio.

Patio Life: Ragged Robin

24 Apr 2014 182
Got a pot of this 2 years ago, never bloomed on our balcony, but this year I have loads :D One of my fav flowers, organized chaos!

Predated Small White Butterfly

23 Apr 2014 2 205
Not a great photo per se, but the subject I found interesting. This was one of my Small White Butterfly larva, it had completed making a pupa but a small wasp (likely Cotesia glomerata wasp [thanks to Rockwolf for the likely ID]) kept hanging around the larva and pupa. This is the restult, obviously hatched out. The next photo shows that at the same sorta date a Small White has emerged fine. Photos from under our eve of roof. What I found interesting was that the wasp sat up on the eve for days waiting I suppose, but did wait until the larva was in full pupation to go away (finish predating it).

Small White Butterfly

23 Apr 2014 198
Small white with pupa from under our eve, while only a few feet away from the previous photo, they had been predated by some wasp this one emerged this year fine. I still have two that have not done anything that I know of.

Patio Life: Decay

05 Mar 2014 1 194
Can be pretty :)

Patio Life Color Max

02 Dec 2013 1 1 241
Couldn't believe the colors in this, was too amazing not to share :) I do love my balcony!

Patio Life Cyclone

Patio Life Storms 'a Brewin

05 Nov 2013 1 181
A wild weather day pre '40 day floods' weather, the storm just above the sea was really impressive, but the rays showed well on camera... just another sky from this winteryness from the patio

Patio Life: Painted Lady

10 Sep 2013 7 3 342
Don't get excited this lovely lady visited me last September, after me looking everywhere for one it showed up on my patio/balcony! Happy Valentine's Day to all you Ipernites <3

Patio Life: Contrast

31 Aug 2013 2 1 202
I have loads of these up, but they are so photogenic, I can't help myself...

Patio Life: Seeds

31 Aug 2013 203
A few from last falls patio lives :)

Patio Life: Very Vetching

Patio Life: Buddleia

Patio Life: Opium Poppy

17 Aug 2013 176
Every time I get one of these in bloom, we get rain or wind and by the next day when the sun arrives its missing petals or looking worn. Finally got one sorta

Large Click Beetle

Rusty Lacewing

02 Aug 2013 1 2 220
Some of the other lovely things that show up at a moth box. No idea which one this is, if anyone has a thought.

Hawthorn Shieldbug

02 Aug 2013 193
Some of the other lovely things that show up at a moth box.

314 items in total