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  Publication date  /  2017  /  January   -   193 photos

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  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Речная устрица
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Метелочка
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Березы, сосны, камыши / Trostyanets arboretum, Birches, pines, reeds
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Глава семейства / Trostyanets Arboretum, Head of the Family
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Гадкий лебеденок
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Лебединая семья / Trostyanets Arboretum, The Family of Swans
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Лебедь / Trostyanets Arboretum, The Swan
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Большое озеро / Trostyanets Arboretum, Large Lake
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Центральный мостик / Trostyanets Arboretum, The Main Bridge
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Хвойная Пирамида / Trostyanets Arboretum
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Можжевеловая поляна / Trostyanets Arboretum, Juniper Glade
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк / Trostyanets Arboretum
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк / Trostyanets Arboretum
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Тропинка к озеру / Trostyanets Arboretum, Path to the Lake
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Оттенки зеленого / Trostyanets Arboretum, Shades of green
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Калина красная / Trostyanets Arboretum, Red Viburnum
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Калиновый куст / Trostyanets arboretum, The Bush of Viburnum
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Памятник основателю парка Скоропадскому И.М. / Trostyanets Arboretum, Monument to I.M. Skoropadsky - the Founder of the Park
  • Тростянецкий дендропарк, Административное здание / Trostyanets Arboretum, Administration Building
  • London, Heathrow, The Pheasant Inn in Evening
  • Ireland, Cliffs of Moher, The Rock
  • Ireland, Cliffs of Moher, The Cave
  • Ireland, Cliffs of Moher
  • Ireland, Cliffs of Moher
  • Ireland, Cliffs of Moher
  • Ireland, Cliffs of Moher, O'Brien's Tower
  • Ireland, Cliffs of Moher, The Sign
  • Belfast, Black & Lizars Opticians
  • Belfast, Chinese Doll in City Hall Garden
  • Belfast, Armored Police Car
  • Belfast, Church House (Presbyterian Church in Ireland)
  • Belfast, Tower of Church House
  • Belfast, Tower of Scottish Provident Institution
  • Belfast, Tower of Former Robinson & Cleaver Building
  • Belfast Metropolitan College
  • Spirit of Belfast
  • Belfast, TESCO Shop & Ulster Reform Club
  • Belfast, City Hall
  • Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, Hand of Wales Mosaic
  • Ship going along Pontcysyllte Aqueduct
  • Ship going along Pontcysyllte Aqueduct
  • Football Field (view from Pontcysyllte Aqueduct)
  • Dee River (view from Pontcysyllte Aqueduct)
  • Bridge Across Dee River (view from Pontcysyllte Aqueduct)
  • Pontcysyllte Aqueduct
  • Pontcysyllte Aqueduct
  • Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, Start Pool and Bridge of B5434
  • Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, Ships are Ready to Journey
  • Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, Ships are Ready to Journey
  • Llangollen, Addoldy Cydenwadol Seion (Welsh Church)
  • Llangollen, Dee River
  • Llangollen, Dee River
  • Llangollen Bridge
  • Llangollen, Welsh Architecture
  • Llangollen, Celtic Cross at War Memorial
  • Llangollen
  • Llangollen, Funny Train Thomas
  • Llangollen, Railway Station
  • Llangollen, Dee River and Railway Station
  • Wales, Huge Stone in Snowdonia National Park
  • Wales, Cliff above the Road in Snowdonia National Park
  • Wales, Rocks in Snowdonia National Park
  • Wales, Willow-herb in Snowdonia National Park
  • Wales, Lake in Snowdonia National Park
  • Welsh Rural Landscape
  • Keswick, A Hill in the Vicinity
  • Keswick, Tea Room
  • Keswick, Luca's Restaurante
  • Keswick, River Greta
  • Keswick, Church Room
  • Keswick, Blue Hydrangea
  • Keswick, Cottage
  • Keswick, Planet Fear
  • Keswick, Booths Supermarket
  • Cairnryan Ferry Port, Pedestrians Boarding Gate
  • Cairnryan Ferry Port
  • Liverpudlian Superlambanana
  • Liverpudlian Superlambananas
  • Liverpudlian Superlambananas
  • Liverpool, Mathew Street, John at the Cavern Pub
  • Liverpool, Mathew Street, Four Lads Who Shook the World
  • Liverpool, Lennon's Bar on Mathew Street
  • Liverpool, The Beatles Shop on Mathew Street
  • Liverpool, The Beatles Shop on Mathew Street

193 items in total