Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Caravan for the Transportation of Salt Mined in the Karum Salt Marshes


This album is dedicated to traveling to Ethiopia in October 2018 with a group of friends. From Addis Ababa to Mekele, we flew by plane, and then moved on jeeps, on camels and on foot through the Danakil Depression with the Dallol and Erta Ale volcanoes. Then moving by minibus we visited the National Park of the Simien Mountains, and also Lalibela - the cradle of Ethiopian Christianity, and Gondar …  (read more)

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Acid-Salt Lakes in t…

17 Oct 2018 12 182
Dallol is an active volcanic crater in the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia. The volcano is known for its extraterrestrial landscapes resembling the surface of Io, the satellite of the planet Jupiter. Its composition is lava from sulfur and andesite. In 1926, with a strong explosion, a large lake was formed, located at an altitude of 48 meters below sea level. The lake color is purple-yellow. Lake and salt terraces formed by washing out potash salts, manganese, iron on the surface

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, The Salt Valley

17 Oct 2018 3 150
Salt Valley Formed on a separate part of the cone of the acid volcano Dallol due to weathering of potash salt rocks that form the basis of the Dallol cone All formations here consist of potassium salts.

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, The Salt Valley

17 Oct 2018 7 2 167
Salt Valley Formed on a separate part of the cone of the acid volcano Dallol due to weathering of potash salt rocks that form the basis of the Dallol cone All formations here consist of potassium salts.

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Towers of the Salt V…

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Towers of the Salt V…

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Towers of the Salt V…

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Towers of the Salt V…

17 Oct 2018 7 1 120
Salt Valley Formed on a separate part of the cone of the acid volcano Dallol due to weathering of potash salt rocks that form the basis of the Dallol cone All formations here consist of potassium salts.

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, The Salt Valley

17 Oct 2018 7 1 129
Salt Valley Formed on a separate part of the cone of the acid volcano Dallol due to weathering of potash salt rocks that form the basis of the Dallol cone All formations here consist of potassium salts.

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, The Salt Valley

17 Oct 2018 3 135
Salt Valley Formed on a separate part of the cone of the acid volcano Dallol due to weathering of potash salt rocks that form the basis of the Dallol cone All formations here consist of potassium salts.

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, The Salt Valley

17 Oct 2018 6 3 109
Salt Valley Formed on a separate part of the cone of the acid volcano Dallol due to weathering of potash salt rocks that form the basis of the Dallol cone

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, The Gaet'ale Pond

17 Oct 2018 9 3 809
Gaet'ale Pond is a small hypersaline lake located in the Danakil Depression. It is placed over a hot spring of tectonic origin and has no apparent inlet or outlet streams. The water of Gaet'ale Pond has a salinity of 43%, making it the saltiest water body on Earth, the second is Don Juan Pond in Antarctica with a salinity of 33.8%. The waters of the lake originate from a thermal spring located beneath it. For this reason its temperature (50–55 °C) is hotter than the environment.

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Boiling Surface of t…

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Boiling Surface of t…

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Boiling Surface of t…

17 Oct 2018 7 2 270
Gaet'ale Pond is a small hypersaline lake located in the Danakil Depression. It is placed over a hot spring of tectonic origin and has no apparent inlet or outlet streams. The salts in the water of Gaet'ale Pond are mainly composed by calcium chloride (CaCl2) and magnesium chloride (MgCl2). It also contains traces of Fe3+ that form a complex with Cl−, giving the water a characteristic yellow color. The pond was generated after an earthquake on January 2005. The waters of the lake originate from a thermal spring located beneath it. For this reason its temperature (50–55 °C) is hotter than the environment.

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Small Outlet of Boil…

Ethiopia, Magnesium-Chlorine Salt Crystals with Ir…

Ethiopia, Magnesium-Chlorine Salt Crystals with Ir…

Ethiopia, Danakil Depression, Crystal Salt Flower…

17 Oct 2018 8 145
Gaet'ale Pond is a small hypersaline lake located in the Danakil Depression. It is placed over a hot spring of tectonic origin and has no apparent inlet or outlet streams. The salts in the water of Gaet'ale Pond are mainly composed by calcium chloride (CaCl2) and magnesium chloride (MgCl2). It also contains traces of Fe3+ that form a complex with Cl−, giving the water a characteristic yellow color. Bubbles of odourless gas are emitted from the lake surface. It is likely volcanically produced CO2. Bird and insect corpses have been found around the pond, and it has been proposed that the gas may be harmful for small animals or humans.

228 items in total