Hey Kids! Look! The Bazooka Blow Gun!

Type and Lettering

Folder: Ephemera

Innerspring Mattress, $14.95 or 50¢ per Week

16 Jun 2014 1 760
"Innerspring Mattress, $14.95. $17.95 value. 50¢ per wk. No carrying charge." For a similar store sign, see Coronado Gas Range, $69.95 or $1.25 a Week .

Horse Sense, Being the Reflections of a Wise Horse

16 Jun 2014 2 834
"Horse Sense, Being the Reflections of a Wise but Neglected Horse on Its Owner." -------- A leaflet wherein a "wise but neglected horse" (Mr. Ed?) explains why his owner should purchase a Stewart No. 1 Clipping Machine in order to clip off the long winter coat of hair that leaves him wet and sweaty now that the spring field work season has arrived: "You know, he isn't a bad boss, but he hasn't thought much about it. He feeds us enough and gives us lots of good water to drink. He also spends a lot of time cleaning us, and when he is doing it I often think how much of that work he could save if he would only clip us; and how much better we would be. Well, here's hoping he will get a Stewart No. 1 Clipping Machine this season."

Iowa State Fair Pass, Des Moines, Iowa, Sept. 1885

15 Nov 2013 1 1016
"Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, Iowa, September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Complimentary Pass: H. H. Harris, Lady, a/c C.B.&Q. R.Rd. Number 539. John R. Shaffer, secretary. Wm. T. Smith, president."

The MacKellar Smiths and Jordan Company, Type Foun…

01 Nov 2013 2 1045
The Zinco typeface illustrated on this advertising card is listed in the MacKellar, Smiths and Jordan Company's Specimens of Printing Types (1892), p. 285. The MacKellar Smiths and Jordan Company Type founders, Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Progressive and ambitious printers recognize the value of tasteful printing types. Our productions are unsurpassed for superior wearing quality, accuracy, and originality. Zimco series, four sizes.

Susquehanna Trail: The Right Road to a Good Smoke

10 Dec 2013 1 879
"Susquehanna Trail. The right road to a good smoke. Mild, mellow cigar." As Wikipedia explains, "The Susquehanna Trail was an auto trail in the United States linking Washington, D.C., with Niagara Falls, New York. It passed through Baltimore, Maryland; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Williamsport, Pennsylvania; and Buffalo, New York." Although it's no longer an official designation, "Susquehanna Trail" is still widely used in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York as a name for roads, businesses, and places along the old route. Somewhere along the way, a tobacco company thought it would make a good name for a cigar as well.

Hotel Excelsior, Siena, Italy

12 Sep 2013 2 932
Luggage label.

Hotel Moderne, Paris

05 Jun 2014 2 914
"Hotel Moderne, Paris. Les Ateliers D'Art, Paris."

W. H. Walmsley, Manager, R. & J. Beck, Opticians,…

12 Aug 2013 2 1501
"R. & J. Beck, opticians, No.1016 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. Walmsley, manager. Spectacles, eye glasses, opera glasses, microscopes, thermometers, telescopes." For another trade card from this company, see R. & J. Beck, Opticians, Philadelphia, Pa. (thumbnail image below).

Evening Basket Sociable Invitation, Maytown, Pa.,…

02 Jul 2014 1 933
"Basket. Yourself and friend are cordially invited to attend an evening sociable, complimentary to Mr. Clayton W. Souders, on Saturday evening, October 12, '95. Meet at his home, near Maytown, at 7 o'clock. Committee: Mary K. Felker, Lizzie H. Farmer. Should the weather be unfavorable the sociable will be held the following Wednesday evening."

Railroad Hotel, Opposite Steam Boat Landing, Cleve…

23 Jun 2015 2 687
"Railroad Hotel, corner River and Front Sts., opposite steam boat landing and R.R. depots, Cleveland, Ohio. Geo. Thompson, proprietor. Meals, twenty-five cents. Passengers and baggage conveyed to and from the house, free."

Grand Social Banquet Ticket, Nashua, N.H., March 1…

13 Nov 2014 2 1244
"Grand Social Banquet at the Central House, City of Nashua, N.H., on Thursday, March 15, 1860. Cards of admission, two dollars. Tickets, $2.00. 18155."

Mrs. General Tom Thumb Co., Admit One

06 Nov 2014 2 951
"Mrs. General Tom Thumb Co. Admit one. W. J. Maxwell, manager. R. B. Marsh, business manager." See also Mrs. General Tom Thumb, Trenton Theatre, 1912 (below, left). For more information, see Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb in Their Wedding Attire (below, right).

Autumn Sociable Invitation, Aberdeen, Pa., October…

03 Oct 2015 2 1 535
Autumn Sociable. Social Twelve cordially request the pleasure of your company and that of your friend on Saturday evening, Oct. 10th, 1896, at 7:15 o'clock, to join a social party at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Ressler at Aberdeen. Committee: Social Twelve. Should the weather prove unfavorable the party will be held the following Saturd'y. Refreshments required.

Charles S. Frantz, Graduate Ophthalmic Optician, W…

04 Dec 2014 2 1 1465
"Chas. S. Frantz, graduate ophthalmic optician, watchmaker, and jeweler, Lancaster, Pa." Detail showing the return address in the upper left-hand corner of an envelope printed by D. B. Landis, Pluck Art Printery, Lancaster, Pa. For similar items, see Dr. F. C. Williams, Eye Specialist, Harrisburg, Pa. , and B. B. Lupfer, Graduate Optician, New Bloomfield, Pa.

John E. Kaughran, Dry Goods, New York

22 Jan 2015 1 1467
"John E. Kaughran & Co. Importers, Jobbers, & Retailers, Dry Goods, 767 & 769 Broadway. Cor. Ninth St. New York. John E. Kaughran, Jacob Rice, Thos. F. Kaughran. Presented by ________." For the other side of this advertising trade card, see J. E. Kaughran, New York :

Spencerian Steel Pens Are the Best

03 Feb 2015 4 1768
"Spencerian Steel Pens are the best. Da locum melioribus." Cover of a folded nib card, circa 1890s. Nib pens (or dip pens ) were used for Spencerian Script and other writing styles. The metal tips, or nibs, of the pens were sold separately, and some came in small cardboard folders that had covers with elaborate designs like this.

Commencement Exercises Ticket, June 18, 1886

04 Sep 2013 938
"Commencement Exercises, Opera House, Friday, June 18, 1886, at 2 o'clock, p.m., afternoon only. Admit one."

Dot Razor Blades

06 Mar 2015 4 867
Top panel from a small packet of Dot Razor Blades. See also Clix Thin Double-Edge Razor Blades .

316 items in total