Hey Kids! Look! The Bazooka Blow Gun!

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C. W. Miller's Omnibus and Baggage Express Pass, B…

12 Dec 2022 1 159
Charles Wright MIller (1837-1921) "revolutionized passenger and baggage transportation" in Buffalo, New York, in the nineteenth century, according to Susan J. Eck in her article, Charlie Miller's Livery Business , which she posted on her Western New York History blog. "A traveler could purchase a ticket and in a single transaction arrange to be picked up at home or a hotel, transported to the respective train station, and have baggage processed through to the traveler's final destination," Eck explained. "No other company in the U.S. had observed the need for such coordination of travel arrangements, and it was immediately successful." This pass allowed "M. O. Adams and Family" to travel during the year 1892 using the services of Miller's horse-drawn omnibuses and baggage delivery. The design of the pass reflects the Victorian-era Gaslight Style that used layering to produce a three-dimensional effect. The shadowing under the letters, for instance, gives them a raised appearance, and the superimposition of the curved lines of text -- "C. W. Miller's" over "Omnibus" over "Baggage Express" -- also provides a feeling of depth. A hanging baggage tag behind the text along with a cloud-like background adds to the multi-layered effect. See also the other side of the pass . C. W. Miller's Omnibus and Baggage Express, Buffalo, N.Y. Pass M.O. Adams and Family In Omnibus until Dec. 31st No. 2622. 1892. C. W. Miller. Proprietor Printed on the other side: Not Transferable. Good in Omnibus only between Hotel and Depot and transfer of Baggage in City.

C. W. Miller's Omnibus and Baggage Express Pass, B…

12 Dec 2022 1 153
The back of a Victorian-era pass for omnibus travel and baggage delivery. See also the front of the pass . Not Transferable. Good in Omnibus only between Hotel and Depot and transfer of Baggage in City.

A. F. Moore, M.D., Winsted, Connecticut, ca. 1883

27 Aug 2023 2 1 149
Dr. Arthur F. Moore (1843-1924) used this colorful leaf-shaped trade card to advertise his medical practice in Winsted, Connecticut. Moore occasionally contributed notes about medical topics that appeared in the United States Medical Investigator (prior to 1875 the title of the periodical was simply the Medical Investigator ). Since the published pieces included his name and location, they document the different places he lived. Notes that Moore contributed in 1872 and 1873, for instance, listed his residence as Lyons, Wisconsin. By 1877 he had moved to Sandy Hill, New York. In 1883 he was in Winsted, Connecticut, where he handed out copies of this trade card. A year later, he was in Bridgewater, Vermont, and then in 1886 he ended up in in Ludlow, Vermont. For another leaf-shaped trade card, see The Livermore Pen, Stylographic Pen Co., Boston, Mass. A. F. Moore, M.D. Office in Park Place Hours 1 to 2 & 6 to 8 P.M. Residence 141 Main Street, Winsted, Ct.

The Museum, Skinner, Day & Co., Keene, New Hampshi…

01 Oct 2023 2 158
"The Museum" was the name of Skinner, Day & Co.'s store in Keene, New Hampshire. For similar cards with a red or pink background illustration, see Eugene O. Chase, Second Leading Hoseman, Danielsonville, Conn. , and Fireman Calling Card . Museum. Skinner, Day & Co., Jewelers, Dry Goods, Carpets, Fancy Goods and Everything Keene, N.H.

Gough's Lecture Ticket, Seamen's Friend Society, M…

03 Dec 2023 2 120
John B. Gough (1817-1886) was a "United States temperance orator," meaning that he lectured about the evils of alcohol. For a brief discussion of his career, see John B. Gough (1817-1886): The Temperance Orator as Revivalist . I haven't been able to determine the location of the Seamen's Friend Society where Gough delivered this lecture. The group may have been the Boston Seaman's Friend Society , the American Seaman's Friend Society in New York, the Woman's Seamen's Friend Society of Connecticut, or another organization with a similar name. For another nineteenth-century ticket, see Grand Temperance Lecture Ticket . Gough's Lecture. Seamen's Friend Society. May 4, 1865. Parquette. Seat H No. 18 Thursday, May 4. Retain this portion of the ticket, as it secures your seat.

Christmas Ball Ticket, Kresky's Hotel, Mehoopany,…

03 Dec 2023 2 2 92
A ticket for a dance that took place at Kresky's Hotel in Mehoopany , Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, on Christmas Day in 1868. A Christmas Ball Will Be Given at Kresky's Hotel, in Mehoopany, Friday, December 25th 1868. Managers: W. M. Gaylord, W. M. Jennings, F. Maynard, Ira Aumick. Music:---Vaughn's String Band. Bill, $3.00

A Happy New Year in the Sky and on the Sea

30 Dec 2023 3 4 123
A nineteenth-century New Year calling card with a fanciful illustration. In the sky, a man is holding the reins connected to a pair of large birds who are pulling the airship that he and a female passenger are riding in. The initials "A.H.N.Y." on the airship's balloon stand for "A Happy New Year." Down below, a sailor on a ship is waving his hat as he hangs on to a mast next to a large banner that also displays a greeting for "A Happy New Year."


28 Jan 2024 3 4 175
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of steps, stairs, staircases . This is a real photo postcard of young women standing on the steps leading up to the entrance of a building. They're wearing uniforms with scarves or neckerchiefs, and the banner they're holding simply says, "Flash." In the corners of the banner are what seem to be drawings of stylized top hats. Peeking out from below the banner are two pairs of what might be athletic shoes. Although someone over on Flickr amusingly suggested that this might be an early example of a flash mob , I suspect that these young women belonged to a club or sports team at a high school or college. But I'm not sure what "Flash" meant to them or why the top hats -- if that's what they are -- appear on the banner.

Geo. W. Kissinger, Flour, Feed, and Potatoes, Read…

18 Aug 2024 29
A small Victorian-era trade card for George W Kissinger (1855-1935), a merchant in Reading, Pennsylvania. Geo. W. Kissinger, Flour, Feed & Potatoes, No. 929 Penn St., Reading, Pa. Bufford

Grand Spelling Bee, Fair View School, Mechanicsvil…

17 Mar 2024 2 163
Katharine Hostetter Kauffman, later known as Katharine “Katie” Kauffman Herr (1886-1986), was the teacher who organized the spelling bee advertised on this handbill. For a similar item from a later event, see Spelling Bee, Terre Hill, Pa., April 3, 1925 . Come One! Come All! To a Grand "Spelling Bee" To Be Held at the Fair View School Near Mechanicsville along Manheim Trolley Road Saturday Eve., March 24, '06 Classes are as follows: Class I. Open to Pupils of 11 years and under. Class II. Open to all Public School Children. Class III. Arithmetical Contest, open to all. Class IV. General Information, open to all. 16 Valuable Prizes to be Distributed The Program will consist of Music, Phonograph and School Recitations and Dialogues General Admission - 10 Cts. Proceeds to be used for the School Library. Doors Open at 7 o'clock. Exercises begin at 7:30 o'clock. Katharine H. Kauffman, Teacher. Should the weather prove too unfavorable the Bee will be held the first fair evening following Monday. L. B. Herr Print, 51-53 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.

316 items in total