
J.Garcia club

Posted: 14 Feb 2024

Taken: 14 Feb 2024

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Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day
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Ulrich John, Marco F. Delminho, Fred Fouarge, Schussentäler and 27 other people have particularly liked this photo

24 comments - The latest ones
sea-herdorf club
Der Valentinstag in neuer Zeitrechnung, Judite.
Beteuern sie ihre gegenseitige Liebe per Smartphone?

Schöne Grüße und alles Gute
12 months ago.
 Don Sutherland
Don Sutherland club
Outstanding image.
12 months ago.
la vie sans portable n'est plus une vie ....
12 months ago.
LotharW club
Smartphone statt Tulpen und durch die Welt schweifen statt persönliche Blicke zu genießen.. Die Welt ändert sich stetig...
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Da zeigst du eine ganz interessante Darstellung liebe Judite :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,liebe Grüße Güni :))
12 months ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Bonne saint-Valentin et bon retour chère Judite.
Bonne et heureuse fin de nuit paisible.
12 months ago.
Annemarie club
Hallo dearest. Great that you are back. Hugs
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
uwschu club
die schreiben sich doch hoffentlich, wo sie gerade sind
12 months ago.
Nouchetdu38 club
Heureux de te revoir sur ipernity, Judite!!!!!!!
Et avec une très belle image en plus!********
12 months ago.
 Guy Bacca (guybac)
Guy Bacca (guybac) club
Excellent, Judite, une parfaite illustration des temps modernes
12 months ago.
 Edna Edenkoben
Edna Edenkoben club
Lovely, Judite!
And they're checking Tinder, just in case... ;-))
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
 E. Adam G.
E. Adam G. club
great to see news from you.
12 months ago.
Ecobird club
A Valentine's Day image for our times Judite :-)))))))

Well done. I love it.
12 months ago.
©UdoSm club
Typisch Zeitgeist - selbst in dieser Situation ist das Handy 'wichtiger'... (•_•)
12 months ago.
Makrofan club
Sehr gelungen!
12 months ago.
 Patrick Brandy
Patrick Brandy club
La nouvelle mode sans fleurs mais avec portables agrééable journée Judite.
12 months ago.
 Karl Hartwig Schütz
Karl Hartwig Schütz club
12 months ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Great capture and really fine, to see you back.
12 months ago.
Angelofruhr club
12 months ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
12 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
This is a lovely bit of artwork by Banksy..............I saw it in a museum in Bristol, quite a few years ago now.

Although it's not a recent work, it's still very relevant today.........and I think it's really quite sad..!!

Well observed and taken Judite..!! Nice to see you posting again :-)
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
 @ngélique ❤️
@ngélique ❤️ club
J'adore Judite ********************belle photo !
12 months ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Hi Judite. Good to see you posting again. I hope all is going good for you! - A very interesting image of our times here. well done.

Best Wishes, Herb
12 months ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Love in the age of cell phones
11 months ago.

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