
J.Garcia club

Posted: 26 Sep 2023

Taken: 26 Sep 2023

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Cruises: agents of pollution

Cruises: agents of pollution
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Ulrich John, Marije Aguillo, RHH, Nora Caracci and 35 other people have particularly liked this photo

46 comments - The latest ones
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
a swimming town.....
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Gabi Lombardo club
16 months ago.
©UdoSm club
Yes, I agree with Gabi...
16 months ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
SUBLIME....Profitez de votre séjour.
Bonnes vacances.
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Malik Raoulda club
Merci beaucoup mais je suis resté à Lisbonne...
Je n'aime pas les croisières, Malik
16 months ago.
 Gilbert H
Gilbert H
Bel HLM flottant ! Je ne pratiqurais jamais ! Amitiés
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Gilbert H
Moi aussi, Gilbert
16 months ago.
Makrofan club
...das schwimmende Hochhaus! Über die Umweltbelastung darf man gar nicht nachdenken!
Lissabon ist eine gute Wahl - viel Spaß in dieser herrlichen Stadt!
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Makrofan club
Yes, huge environmental impact
I stayed in Lisbon...
I don't like cruises, Karl
16 months ago. Edited 16 months ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to J.Garcia club
16 months ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Da schließe ich mich deinen Worte an wegen der Umweltverschmutzung liebe Judite,leider sehen da sehr viele Menschen nur den Luxus und die Reise und sehr Wenige denken an das Thema und die Natur,ich fühle mich Daheim immer am Wohlsten,überhaupt nach meinen Erkrankungen und ich genieße die Natur zu Fuß,deine Detailaufnahme ist aber großartig liebe Judite :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
16 months ago.
Annaig56 club
et oui chez nous les gens leur font la guerre pour la pollution car ils accostent en plein centre ville,
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Annaig56 club
Ici, à Lisbonne, c'est également, Annaig
16 months ago.
LotharW club
Diese Schiffe erinnern mich immer wieder an den Turmbau zu Babel...ich mag sie nicht...
16 months ago.
Fred Fouarge club has replied to LotharW club
ich auch nicht
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to LotharW club
Me too!
Thank you for link!
16 months ago. Edited 16 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
yes judith en als er iets gebeurt dan heet het verzuipen--want ze worden steeds groter en groter--ik heb vroeger eens in een kleinere een cruisetocht naar finland gemaakt die had 5 verdiepingen dat vond ik meer dan genoeg
16 months ago. Edited 16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Fred Fouarge club
I agree with you, Fred!
16 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
I can't argue about the pollution they cause in the environment...........but it's no worse than he aeroplanes that criss-cross the world every day, or the millions of cars and heavy lorries. Not to mention heavy industry etc.

I don't claim to know the answer either, but mankind needs to sort itself out soon..!!
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Keith Burton club
It's true, Keith
16 months ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
... et toujours de plus en plus gros, c'est vraiment horrible !
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Jocelyne Villoing club
Oui, Jocelyne!
16 months ago.
Annemarie club
what an imposing mass!

( would never go on such a "Thing"
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Annemarie club
Me too, Annemarie!
16 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Impressive capture!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
16 months ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
It makes you wonder how they float with all that's above the water!
A cruise is my idea of a nightmare Judite....but I appreciate your picture :-))
16 months ago.
Edna Edenkoben club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Mine too, Rosa!!
16 months ago.
cammino club
You are so right!
16 months ago.
 Edna Edenkoben
Edna Edenkoben club
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree, Judite! And they look awful! But it's good to photograph and document such things as well.
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Edna Edenkoben club
I think the same, Edna
16 months ago.
photosofghosts club
Even in my city there is a lot of controversy regarding the pollution caused by cruise ships and also by buses that transport tourists.
Tourism brings money, it's true.... but health should be considered the most important thing.
All the best
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to photosofghosts club
I agree with you, Fabio
16 months ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
A polluting monster Judite, I wonder how many of the passengers drive electric cars to save the planet!
Great shot though!
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Roger (Grisly) club
Contradictions, Roger
16 months ago.
Typo93 club
Personally, I don't see the point of taking a cruise on this type of ship.
16 months ago.
J.Garcia club has replied to Typo93 club
Me too!
16 months ago.
 Armando Taborda
Armando Taborda club
...the wall...
16 months ago.
 Anne H
Anne H club
Ça me scandalise, non seulement par amour pour Lisbonne, mais parce qu'à mon avis, ces énormes bateaux de croisière sont une triste manière de faire du tourisme. Ces monstrueux bateaux-gratte-ciel qui défigurent les quais, à Lisbonne et ailleurs... J'en ai aussi vu un à Venise, avant qu'on les interdise.
Désolée, Judite, mais je n'arriverai pas à mettre une étoile sur cette photo, alors j'écris ce que j'ai sur le cœur...
16 months ago.
tiabunna club
This image really tells the story! Travel on one of these does not even slightly appeal to me.
16 months ago.
 Guy Bacca (guybac)
Guy Bacca (guybac) club
Outre la pollution, je ne vois pas le plaisir que l'on peut avoir avec ce type de croisières
16 months ago.
 Roséha D.
Roséha D. club
The eternal problem about pollution and consumption........................ Thanks for this reminding****************
16 months ago.
 @ngélique ❤️
@ngélique ❤️ club
J'ai des paquebots tous les jours de cette taille ********************belle soirée mon amie !
16 months ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
16 months ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
una vera città sul mare !
impressionante ripresa !
16 months ago.
RHH club
I do not like cruises for many reasons.
16 months ago.
 Marije Aguillo
Marije Aguillo club
Qué monstruos, y lo que contaminan!.
15 months ago.

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