the illusion of reality

Vanishing Points


29 Jun 2008 48 15 2807
uh, say miss, what is this? I mean, where are we? oh, you'll see soon enough. what does that mean? I think I want off of this thing. sorry. nobody is permitted to leave. what are you talking about? all will be explained to you in due time. I don't want no explanation! I want off! I'm sorry. but you did not beat the reaper. you mean. . . you mean. . . I'm dead? you think that's air you're breathing? oh man. and I didn't even finish that sandwich. dammit! life sucks, doesn't it. and it even came with a pickle. old dill too!


23 Aug 1982 24 10 3097
man, when will this fog ever lift? what gives you the idea that this is fog, son? well, I don't know. . . it looks like fog. it's them. make no mistake. they're here. them? it's gonna be a battle of civilizations, count on it. but. . . to the winner goes the spoils. in this case, earth. what are you talking about? you doubt me? just take a walk down the beach. there? you won't come back. at least not in human form. it can't be. stay and watch. it's definitely gonna be messy. but I'm on vacation! yeah. reality sucks, doesn't it? totally.

twin towers

28 Aug 2001 8 8 1323
we're caught in its web! what web? whose? can't you see? we're trapped! did you take your meds today? uh, what makes you ask? just my intuition, that's all. what else does your intuition tell you? see those towers? my intuition is to stay away from them. why? I dunno. but you should listen to me on this one.

horse latitudes

29 Apr 2012 5 647
today is the dressage competition, stanley. that's exciting, edna. are you ready for it? oh yes, and lord fauntleroy III is ready too. he is such a nice horse, isn't he? worth every penny we paid for him, I think. and that was a lot of pennies. a veritable ton of them. yes. hah hah. hah hah. well, put him through his paces, edna. I will stanley. will you be there? I think not. I have to fire several of the servants today. cut backs, you know. I suppose some sacrifice is necessary in this economy. but none of my grooms, I hope! their jobs are safe, for now, edna. thank goodness. horses are so much work. you are a brave soul, dear. that's what my polo instructor says too. indeed.


21 Jul 2012 23 6 1243
what is it, edwards? it's a signal. I think. far away, but closing. is it one of us? definitely not. it's nothing I ever heard before. could be french then. yeah, probably.

home is where the heart is

21 Jul 2012 3 600
what have you been up to, man? oh, you know, I'm writing a book. yeah? what's it about? mostly about growing up in this place. you mean, how it affected you? all that? yeah. it was a tough life there, for a while. but you overcame it, right? maybe. we'll see. what do you have to see? if I can get the hell out of here, for a start. really? not me. I'm staying. I love it here. no way. what is there to love? just look at it. you can't find this anyplace else. and you're saying that's a good thing? well, maybe not.

to be with you

22 Sep 2012 5 675
I'm the one who wants to be with you. deep inside I hope you feel it too. (but I'm not counting on it).

no pain, no gain

22 Sep 2012 7 6 780
damn it, I have to go to the dentist. so? what's the big deal? he's gonna drill. man, I hate that. just remember: no pain, no gain. right? easy for you to say, you toothless wonder. just part of my plan to simplify all things. it definitely helps your smile. you really think so? not so much. close your mouth.


19 Jan 2013 10 4 784
something is giving me the creeps. really? I don't know why; we're the only ones here. it's not this place. maybe. . . maybe it's you. what? you're afraid of me? me? afraid of you? that's a laugh. ok, that's better. just don't come any closer.


19 Jan 2013 12 4 850
how do you like my new pad? awesome, isn't it? please tell me you don't live here. please. whaddya mean? it's got everything I need. like fresh water, for one. I can see that. hey! I'm growing sprouts. and ganja weed too, no doubt. that sort of goes without saying. it's part of my bohemian lifestyle. bohemian? more like homeless, if you ask me. well, I did ask. which I now regret. me too. but don't bogart that joint

life on earth

16 Feb 2013 1 4 506
edna, was the morning newspaper delivered? I don't know stanley. check the front porch. I would, but it's such a long walk. well, if you start now, you'll be back by lunch. you think? or dinner, if you walk fast.

2nd amendment solution

22 Sep 2012 4 3 644
where does this road go? to this guy's place. a guy who did some very bad shit. in fact, in my opinion, he doesn't deserve to live. whoa. that's a little extreme, isn't it? and then after what he did, the guy says, you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. so I say, you know what? sounds like a good idea to me. land of the free, home of the brave. right? to the max.

mind over matter

16 Feb 2013 1 3 508
how's it going, herr doktor? I've made a new breakthrough! the world will never be the same! and I've also solved one of my most vexing problems! oh yeah? what's that? actually, it's you, if you must know. your constant interruptions and insipid questions. well, I've now found a solution: mind telekinesis. wow!. . . what's that? I can move things, with my mind. awesome! can you show me? yes, and you must tell me how it feels. feels? what do you mean? I haven't perfected that part of the process. so you must tell me what it feels like. you mean, you're going to send me somewhere? yes. have a good trip. wherever that is.

obstruction of justice

27 May 2013 2 3 588
we finally captured the suspect, sir. good. throw the book at him. what exactly are the charges? he got the last chocolate donut! is that a crime? damn right! he should have known I wanted it. did he steal it from you? no, but. . . so, you're up for some time off, aren't you? what's that got to do with anything? let me put it this way: would you rather appear before internal affairs? oh. well, now that you mention it, the wife and I could go camping. be sure and take some donuts. yes. good idea.

born ready

30 Mar 2013 2 1 445
nice place you picked to have a drink, man. hey, get off my back. the food here's good. yeah? so you ready to order? you kidding? I was born ready. for what, to order food off a menu? yeah, what's your point? isn't that enough? totally. I'm not even ready for adulthood. well, that makes two of us. so you gonna order or what? no, you go first. thought so.

I eat what I kill

21 Jul 2012 8 4 525
we're all made of stars. this place too? yeah, but I sure don't see how. I'll ask my attorney. how's your attorney gonna know? she knows everything. and bills me for it too.

on target

22 Aug 2013 6 1 472
I'm zeroing in on you. it's about time. you mean. . . you like it? of course, you dope.

enemy of the people

03 Oct 2013 10 6 506
I hear the sound of many horse hooves, kemosabe. yes, Tonto. An Indian war party. many braves, kemosabe. many many guns. and there is no way out of this canyon. it looks like we're finished, old friend. what you mean, 'we,' white man?

68 items in total