The Limbo Connection's photos

St Mary Street

Langham House

20 May 2013 153
Langham House was formerly Road Hill House and was the scene of one of the most infamous murders of the 19th century. A sixteen-year old girl called Constance Kent was arrested for the murder of her three-year-old half-brother. The case was investigated by Detective Inspector Jack Whicher. Although released at her committal hearing, Kent later confessed and received the mandatory death sentence. This was commuted to life imprisonment, of which she served twenty years. Nikon D2Xs and Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8 AF lens.

Dino Selezione No.6

22 Jan 2012 89
Photographed using a 55mm Micro-Nikkor f/3.5 AI lens


27 Sep 2011 98
I used an AF Nikkor 180mm f/2.8 lens on a Nikon D2Xs camera.


25 Feb 2014 121
Canon EOS20D + Chinon 55/1.7 M42 lens.

Morris Minor 1000 Convertible

22 Jul 2013 110
Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5 G lens on a Nikon D50.

Italian Visitor at Avebury Stone Circle

19 Sep 2012 1 147
This Italian visitor to Avebury now lives in Ireland. She was enjoying her visit to England and a glass of real ale. The landscape of Avebury had its limitations, she said. You walked a bit, and saw 'a pile of stones'. You walked a bit more and there would be 'another pile of stones'. Never before had I heard Avebury Circle described as 'a pile of stones' but she had a point, and she certainly expressed it amusingly. In days of yore the locals broke up the stones to make building materials, and so they didn't overdo the reverence and awe. They probably just said, 'here be a handy pile of old stones'. Photographed using a Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 AF-D lens on a Nikon D2Xs.

Eiffel Tower

Hornsea Beach

24 May 2014 120
Photographed in 1997 using a Minolta 35mm SLR with a 28-85mm lens.

The Teme at Ludlow

Nikon FE

Sekonic L-8

23 May 2011 133
The Sekonic L-8 exposure meter was imported in large numbers to the UK by Hanimex (Hannes Import Export). They were built in Australia, although the design work was, I think, Japanese. I photographed it with a Nikkor Type C 55mm f/3.5 Micro-PC Auto mounted on an M2 extension tube and then put on a Nikon D50. This is the only safe method of using the Nikkor Type C 55mm f/3.5 Micro-PC Auto on a D50, or indeed any digital Nikon fitted with screw-drive AF. Putting the lens directly onto the camera will cause damage.

Centaurea Montana

26 Apr 2014 120
I am comparing prime lenses and although all primes are generally good, some are noticeably better than others. The 35mm DX Nikkor is a lens which almost always delivers a picture of fidelity and saturation.

Fountain at Laura Place, Bath

16 Aug 2010 120
Michael Forsyth believes that Laura Place is ‘one of the most impressive of all Neoclassical urban set pieces in Britain’. It consists of four blocks of houses around an irregular quadrangle at the end of Pulteney Bridge and was built by Thomas Baldwin and John Eveleigh between 1788 and 1794. The quadrangle is named after Henrietta Laura Pulteney, daughter of Sir William Johnstone Pulteney and Frances Johnstone Pulteney. The fountain at the center of the quadrangle was not part of the original plan; it was added in the late 19th century. After completion of the main street in 1877 local residents petitioned and successfully raised significant funds to build a grand column. However, as construction of the column started, the residents realised that the addition would tower over the area (it would be half as high again than the houses), and so they then petitioned for it to be cancelled. After some negotiations, the column was pulled down and the much smaller fountain added instead.

Sydney Gardens

16 Aug 2010 3 143
8.15 am on 16 August 2010. A sunny morning in Sydney Gardens, Bath. FGW have re-engined these sets to extend their life. The new MTU engines are much quieter than the original Paxman screamers, and moving off from standstill is not the ear-splitting excitement of yore. They nevertheless remain a wonderful sight.


23 May 2014 158
Nikon D2Xs + Nikon 75-150mm f/3.5 Series E lens.

Green - Red

23 May 2014 117
Nikon 75-150mm Series E f/3.5 Zoom on a Nikon D50.

6822 items in total