Visciano -  Santa Pudenziana

Umbria / Ombrie / Umbrien

All photos just have in common, that they were taken in the Italian region Umbria.

Assisi - Basilica di San Francesco

01 Jan 2016 1 168
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck. The erection of the "Basilica di San Francesco" begun in 1228. It comprises two churches known as the "Upper Church" and the "Lower Church". Below that is the crypt with the tomb of Saint Francis of Assisi. This is where all tourists and pilgrims meet together. Even the cloister was crowded.

Bevagna - San Michele

01 Jan 2016 1 137
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then strong enough, to have two churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele, seen here, is one of them.

Bevagna - San Michele

01 Jan 2016 1 173
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have two churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them. Here is San Michele´s portal, that has some interesting details. Carved onto the wooden (not medieval) door are three ornate bull-skulls. The sides are re-used Roman carvings, "christianized" with two crosiers. There are two very rough graffiti - and a signature. This church was designed by sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello, who as well created the side portal of the cathedral in Foligno, just 10kms east.

Bevagna - San Michele

01 Jan 2016 187
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have two churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them. San Michele´s portal has some interesting details. Below the sculpture of San Michele spearing the dragon is the signature of the architects, who as well created the side portal of the cathedral in Foligno. "Rodulfus x Binellu(s) fecer(unt) hec opera xps benedicat ilos senper et Michael custodiat" What translates to "Rodulfus [and] Binellus did these works; may Christ bless them always and may Michael protect them”.

Bevagna - San Michele

01 Jan 2016 1 1 157
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have two churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them. San Michele´s portal has some interesting details. Below the sculpture of San Michele spearing the dragon and the "signature" of the two architects is this bird. Actually there are even two birds, one on either side. The bird is so poorly carved, that the bird can only be a graffito. But to carve that is pretty timeconsuming - and when was it possible, to carve that, without anybody stepping in towards the vandal?

Bevagna - San Michele

01 Jan 2016 1 131
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them. The interior of San Michele is sober and clearly Romanesque. I learned, that this is the result of a reconstruction as it had been Baroque for about two centuries. Below the choir is this crypt.

Bevagna - San Silvestro

01 Jan 2016 129
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri. It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello. The façade is somehow incomplete. The large building to the left ist the Palazzo dei Consoli (1270).

Bevagna - San Silvestro

01 Jan 2016 1 151
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri. It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello. The portal is - compared to San Silvestro´s - humble, but has as well a "signature" (left).

Bevagna - San Silvestro

01 Jan 2016 143
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri. It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello. The portal is - compared to San Silvestro´s - humble, but has as well a "signature" seen here.

Bevagna - San Silvestro

01 Jan 2016 143
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri. It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello. The interior is clear and sober Romanesque. The choir is risen.

Bevagna - San Silvestro

01 Jan 2016 125
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri. It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello. The interior is sober Romanesque. The choir is risen. Below the choir is a large crypt. It was pretty dark - and I could not find the light switch. I could not look any longer for the switch, as the person with the key had arrived. He made very clear, that he wanted to lock the door. Now.

La Bruna - Santuario della Madonna

01 Jan 2016 1 149
La Bruna, where the Santuario della Madonna is located, is part of Castel Ritaldi. Legends tell, that in 1506 this was the place of a miracle, and so some decades later this church was erected. It is a single nave with three apses, a grand grandchild of the many "clover-leaf-structures" built in medieval times (eg Germigny-des-Prés, La Baume-de-Transit, Montmajour).

Bruna - Santuario della Madonna

01 Jan 2016 5 289
Bruna, where the Santuario della Madonna is located, is part of Castel Ritaldi. Legends tell, that in 1506 this was the place of a miracle, and so some decades later this church was erected. It is a single nave with three apses, a grand grandchild of the many "clover-leaf-structures" built in medieval times (eg Germigny-des-Prés, La Baume-de-Transit, Montmajour).

Bruna - L`Oasi Del Polito

01 Jan 2016 1 217
The self-service laundry is open from 07.00 to 22.00, but even at night time it is protected by Pope Francis, whose poster is attached to the wall.

Castel Ritaldi - San Gregorio

01 Jan 2016 3 220
The striped facade of San Gregorio, located outside a hamlet, that meanwhile is part of Castel Ritaldi, is decorated with some extraordinary carvings. The church at some time was too small for the pious population, so it got enlarged by a rough attachment. Unfortunately the church was locked.

Castel Ritaldi - San Gregorio

01 Jan 2016 1 1 236
San Gregorio, located outside a hamlet, that meanwhile is part of Castel Ritaldi, is decorated with some extraordinary carvings. Here are the archivolts over the main door. Carved in in the outer archivolt is "AN.ML.C.XLI" = 1141. Entangling vines connect a cosmos of animals (lions, birds, a boar, a dog, a hare), mythical creatures (griffons), centered around a seraphim. There is even Samson on the left - and a "floater" on the smaller archivolt.

Castel Ritaldi - San Gregorio

01 Jan 2016 199
San Gregorio, located outside a hamlet, that meanwhile is part of Castel Ritaldi, is decorated with some extraordinary carvings. Seen here is the upper part of the facade. Most interesting are the figures and the demons, as there are inscriptions below. On the very left is "IRREMIAS" next to the head of the demon "PAMEA". The (teethless) deamon to the right is named "GENOFALUS INFERUS", next to him is "GESECHIEL P"(rophet= ?).

Castel Ritaldi - San Gregorio

01 Jan 2016 1 185
San Gregorio, located outside a hamlet, that meanwhile is part of Castel Ritaldi, is decorated with some extraordinary carvings. Seen here is a detail of the upper part of the facade. For am overview see the previous uploads. "IRREMIAS", leaning on a very elastic, fruit bearing tree and next to the head of the demon "PAMEA", who displays pretty threatening front teeth.

238 items in total