Umbria / Ombrie / Umbrien
All photos just have in common, that they were taken in the Italian region Umbria.
Foligno - Abbazia di Sassovivo
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is located on a mountain, about 6kms east of Foligno. It abbey was founded around 1070 on a site probably used in ancient times by the Umbri as sanctuary.
The abbey gained power and prestige. In the 13th century it had 97 convents, 41 churches (even 1 in Rome) and 7 hospitals. Decay started in the 15th century. It suffered during the Napoleonic Wars, and in 1860, after the fall of the Papal States, its dependencies were divided between the Italian state, the local bishopric and privates.
Since 1979 the Community of the "Little Brothers of Jesus" live here.
Foligno - Abbazia di Sassovivo
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is located on a mountain, about 6kms east of Foligno. It abbey was founded around 1070 on a site probably used already by the Umbri as sanctuary.
The abbey gained power and prestige. In the 13th century it "controlled" 97 convents, 41 churches (even 1 in Rome) and 7 hospitals. Decline started in the 15th century. The abbey suffered during the Napoleonic Wars, and in 1860, after the fall of the Papal States, its properties were divided between the Italian state, the local bishopric and privates.
Since 1979 the Community of the "Little Brothers of Jesus" live here.
The abbey-church was damaged by the earthquake in 1997.
In January 2016 an excavation was underway to unearth the foundations of the Romanesque apse. The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is known for its fantastic cloister - behind this heavy door.
Foligno - Abbazia di Sassovivo
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is located on a mountain, about 6kms east of Foligno. The abbey was founded around 1070 on a site probably used already by the Umbri as sanctuary.
The abbey gained power and prestige. In the 13th century it "controlled" 97 convents, 41 churches (even 1 in Rome) and 7 hospitals. Decline started in the 15th century. The abbey suffered during the Napoleonic Wars, and in 1860, after the fall of the Papal States, its properties were divided between the Italian state, the local bishopric and privates.
Since 1979 the Community of the "Little Brothers of Jesus" live here.
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is known for its fantastic cloister created (and signed!) by Pietro de Maria (and his workshop) in 1229. One of the carvers here was Nicolo Vassaletto who as well worked in "San Paolo fuori le Mura" and "San Giovanni in Laterano". The cloister has a rectangular plan with 58 arcades supported by a double order of 128 columns
Foligno - Abbazia di Sassovivo
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is located on a mountain, about 6kms east of Foligno. The abbey was founded around 1070 on a site probably used already by the Umbri as sanctuary.
The abbey gained power and prestige. In the 13th century it "controlled" 97 convents, 41 churches (even 1 in Rome) and 7 hospitals. Decline started in the 15th century. The abbey suffered during the Napoleonic Wars, and in 1860, after the fall of the Papal States, its properties were divided between the Italian state, the local bishopric and privates.
Since 1979 the Community of the "Little Brothers of Jesus" live here.
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is known for its fantastic cloister created (and signed!) by Pietro de Maria (and his workshop) in 1229. One of the carvers here was Nicolo Vassaletto who as well worked in "San Paolo fuori le Mura" and "San Giovanni in Laterano". The cloister has a rectangular plan with 58 arcades supported by a double order of 128 columns
Foligno - Abbazia di Sassovivo
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is located on a mountain, about 6kms east of Foligno. The abbey was founded around 1070 on a site probably used already by the Umbri as sanctuary.
The abbey gained power and prestige. In the 13th century it "controlled" 97 convents, 41 churches (even 1 in Rome) and 7 hospitals. Decline started in the 15th century. The abbey suffered during the Napoleonic Wars, and in 1860, after the fall of the Papal States, its properties were divided between the Italian state, the local bishopric and privates.
Since 1979 the Community of the "Little Brothers of Jesus" live here.
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is known for its fantastic cloister with 58 arcades supported by a double order of 128 columns. It was created and signed by Pietro de Maria in 1229.
This inscription is Pietro de Maria´s "signature"
Hoc claustri opus egregium, | Quod decorat monasterium | Donnus
abbas Angelus precepit \ Multo sumptu fieri et fecit \ A magistro Petro
de Maria | Romano opere et mastria \ Anno Domini milleno \ Iuncto ei
bis centeno | Nono quoque cum viceno.
The wonderful and expensive cloister was commissioned by Abbas Angelos and created by Master Petro de Maria in Roman style (?) in 1229
The cloisters of "San Paolo fuori le Mura" and "San Giovanni in Laterano", where Nicolo Vassaletto, Petro de Maria´s collegue had worked are very similar. Some scholars believe, that the complete cloister seen here was produced in Rome - and the transported to this secluded abbey.
Foligno - Abbazia di Sassovivo
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is located on a mountain, about 6kms east of Foligno. The abbey was founded around 1070 on a site probably used already by the Umbri as sanctuary.
The abbey gained power and prestige. In the 13th century it "controlled" 97 convents, 41 churches (even 1 in Rome) and 7 hospitals. Decline started in the 15th century. The abbey suffered during the Napoleonic Wars, and in 1860, after the fall of the Papal States, its properties were divided between the Italian state, the local bishopric and privates.
Since 1979 the Community of the "Little Brothers of Jesus" live here.
The crypt is the oldest part of the still existing structure, built by the first Benedictine monks arriving here end of the 10th century.
Assisi - Basilica di Santa Chiara
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
Seen here is the façade of the "Basilica di Santa Chiara". Santa Chiara (= "Saint Clare") was a follower of Saint Francis of Assisi. She founded the "Order of Poor Ladies", known today as the "Order of Saint Clare" (aka "Poor Clares").
The construction of the early-Gothic church began in 1257, just 3 years after her death and 2 years after her canonization. Clare's remains were transferred to the basilica and buried under the altar. The coffin was found there in 1850. In 1872, the bones were transferred to a shrine in the neo-Gothic crypt, that had been erected here to receive them.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria. This is the central portal. I´ll upload some details of this elaborate Romanesque work next.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria. The tympanum of the the central portal - and the elaborate archivolts. The reddish, semicircular center is somehow shifted.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria. A more detailed view on to the tympanum´s center.
A "Majestas Domini". The "Pantokrator" is crowned and flanked by sun and moon. I do not know, who is the person to the right (Joseph?). To the left is a crowned (!) Virgin - "lactans". I cannot remember having ever seen a "Nursing Madonna" (aka "Madonna Lactans", "Maria lactans") on a tympanum before. These icons were popular from the 14th century on.
I do not know, why the icon is tilt. The inner archivolt has some nice "real life" scenes.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria.
A detailed view on to left side of the tympanum´s inner archivolt. Two men harvest grapes, below them are a pig (no boar) and a bird. To the left a cleric (?l) stands under an arch - and to the right two men hold a large vessel.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria.
Crowned King David (?), holding a harp, was partly seen already on the previous upload. It looks like the small (dancing?) figure right of the throne holds a kind of tambourine. The figure is masterly carved in a very intricate, detailed way.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria.
The right side portal. There are two peacocks drinking from a chalice on the tympanum. Below on the lintel is an Agnus Dei flanked by the symbols of the four Evangelists.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria.
The left side portal is similar to the right one. Here are two lions drinking from a chalice on the tympanum (not two peacocks). Here is as well an Agnus Dei - and a bunch of mythical animals.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria.
There are three rose windows here. That one in the center - seen here - is the largest and the most ornate. The window is supported by three atlantes. They are standing on mythical beasts (on the left a griffin).
In the four spandrels around the rose window are the four animal symbols of the four evangelists.
Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century.
The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253.
Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193.
The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria.
On the right edge of the facade waits a huge lioness. The frieze below repeats the icons of the side portals. There are again birds - and lions - drinking from a chalice.
Assisi - Basilica di San Francesco
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck.
The erection of the "Basilica di San Francesco" begun in 1228. It comprises two churches known as the "Upper Church" and the "Lower Church". Below that is the crypt with the tomb of Saint Francis of Assisi. This is where all tourists and pilgrims meet together. It was just too crowded to take photos.
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