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Camino Polaco
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Strzelno - Camino Polaco

Strzelno - Camino Polaco
In the 12th century the local voivode endowed the Church of St. Cross here. At the end of the 12th century another church, the Rotunda of St. Prokop, was built.

Premonstratensian nuns had a monastery here from 1148 to 1838. The Holy Trinity Church, consecrated in 1216, was also built during this period.

Strzelno fell to Prussia in 1772. After the end of the First World War Strzelno was ceded to the Second Polish Republic. In 1939 the region was occupied by the German Wehrmacht; subsequently Strelno was reincorporated into the German Reich. In the spring of 1945 it rejoined Poland.

The "Camino Polaco" passes the churches in Strzelno. It is still a long way to Santiago de Compostella. Ultreïa!

Karl Hartwig Schütz, Paolo Tanino have particularly liked this photo


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