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See also...


Ezéchiel de Mélac
Hirsau Reforms
Consuetudines Hirsauginenses
Wilhem von Hirsau
Pope Leo IX
Ulrich von Cluny
Ulrich von Zell
William of Hirsau
Hugh of Cluny
Plan of Saint Gall
Investiture Controversy
General Mélac

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Hirsau - Abbey

Hirsau - Abbey
Twenty years after Pope Leo IX had asked his nephew Count Adalbert of Calw to rebuild the ruined abbay St. Aurelius, this abbey got a young abbot. Wilhem von Hirsau (aka "William of Hirsau"), educated at St. Emmeram in Regensburg, a very well known "thinktank". Immidietly tried to gain independence of all secular powers for the abbey. At that time, he was probably influenced by the idea, that had spread from Gorze Abbey in Lorraine. He was a strong supporter of the Pope during the Investiture Controversy. Already in 1082 he commissioned the building of a new monastery on a nearby high plateau. In 1091 the abbey church, modelled on Cluny II and dedicated to Peter an Paul, got consecrated.

The convent followed 1092 and moved into a monastic compound designed according to the Plan of Saint Gall. Wilhelm´s friend Ulrich (aka "Ulrich von Zell", "Ulrich von Cluny"), a schoolmate from St. Emmeram, had made carreer in Burgundy and was an advisor to Abbot Hugh of Cluny. So the Cluniac reform found their way into the Black Forest. Based on them Wilhelm wrote down the "Consuetudines Hirsauginenses". Known as the "Hirsau Reforms", the adoption of these rules revitalised Benedictine life throughout Germany - and were followed by far more than 100 monasteries.

Based on a thriving economy most of the romanesque buildings (but not the church!) were demolished and got replaced by gothic style structures. Shortly after that, the Reformation put an end to the abbey in 1536, when the monks had to leave - and a Protestant school was opend here (just like in Maulbronn!).

The "Duke of Wuerttemberg" replaced the old abbot´s house by a posh hunting palace around 1590.
During the Nine Years' War (aka "War of the Palatine Succession") the infamous General Ezéchiel de Mélac burnt the abbey down (like he did with Heidelberg, Worms, Speyer..). The ruins were used as a quarry - and so there is not really much left of this great and important abbey.


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