Miss Kodak

Final Photos on Ipernity?

I still hope that Ipernity survives !! But since it seems that the end is not far off, I thought I'd put up a few of the photos that haven't quite made it in my previous posts !! Might as well get my value from the subscription before it's too late !!

They are either personal or family mementos, or other things that I liked, but thought might not be so interesting to other people, - or else some…  (read more)

26 Jul 2015

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357 visits

Bear's Breeches

The English common name for Acanthus mollis - really grown mostly for it's huge architectural leaves, but this one flowered for the first time in 2015, - after seven years !! Canon Digital Ixus 960is

12 Aug 2015

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285 visits


Janty. Why people stand on the helicopter deck is a mystery !! Canon Digital Ixus 960is

12 Aug 2015

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359 visits

Saint Malo, Brittany, France

Early morning sun lights the old town, as we head off towards Portsmouth for a holiday in the UK. Canon Digital Ixus 960is

25 Jul 2016

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More fun than a fairground ride, Papa Mike !!

Our Golden Wedding celebrations were a high point of 2016, with all the family around us, so I'll start with two of our grandchildren, Emily and Brandon, larking about on the skid-steer loader. ( In case anyone should think me quite mad, I should say that the keys were removed and the transmission locked, while this photo was taken!) Canon Digital Ixus 960is

18 Aug 2015

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459 visits

Old Photo?

Not really ! More play with the Silver Efex Pro , this time running as a stand alone program in Windows 7. Very easy to use, lots of pre-sets but also easily refined and configured. Not all subjects are suitable for this sort of thing, of course, but vintage steam trains seem to be a natural target ! Ex-Great Western Railway No 5542 drifts into Winchcombe station in the summer of 2015. Original photo 12mpx colour. Canon Ixus 960is, photofinished in Silver Efex Pro.

18 Aug 2015

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539 visits

Station Light

Similar treatment to the previous photo, this is a "Windsor" pattern gas light made by William Sugg & Co, London. This one has been converted to electricity, but the iconic design was once common throughout the UK until the latter part of the 20th century. Canon Ixus 960is. Photofinished in Silver Efex Pro

18 Apr 2017

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We have a number of Oak and Chestnut trees in our garden, and for most of the summer they cast a deep shade, so the plants I have planted beneath them have been chosen for that environment. But, just for a few weeks in spring, before the trees come into full leaf, we can see them in a brighter light! They are plants grown not for their flowers, which are mostly insignificant, but for their foliage, mainly Heucheras and Hostas, but also some woodland Geraniums and a species of Euphorbia which thrives in shade, and has curious green flowers. Sony Alpha A100, Sony 18-55mm SAM lens. Photofinished in Picasa

18 Apr 2017

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934 visits

Spes saltu aeterna

Hope springs eternal ! Sony Alpha A100, Minolta 35-70mm zoom lens, x1 dioptre close up lens. Photofinished in Gimp

09 Sep 2012

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594 visits

A Winter Past

Taken near our home, some years ago, using a Mamiya 4B rangefinder camera. This was taken on 200ASA colour negative film, and developed as a black and white negative in Diafine. The deep brown dye layer of colour films makes them difficult to scan, but the results are often interesting. Mamiya 4B, f2.8/45mm Kominar lens. Fujicolor 200 in Diafine 5+5mins @21C. Scanned @2400dpi on Epson V500
40 items in total