At the river's edge


12 Jan 2007

119 visits

Snow glow

The afternoon sun made the snow glow, giving a slightly eerie appearance to this bootprint.

12 Jan 2007

100 visits

Who's been here?

This footprint (bootprint) had a different kind of pattern. Couldn't resist. Have to give you a brief break from Chickadees, too!

12 Nov 2006

128 visits


I know this is just a bare, tanged tree, but I liked the way the snow had remained on all the branches.

14 Jan 2007

135 visits

Winter sun

I couldn't believe the glorious colour late this afternoon as I climbed the long hill up from the Weaselhead natural area. I don't remember seeing this before.

14 Jan 2007

134 visits

Passing by

When I was on my walk this afternoon, I noticed a set of prints in the snow, coming out of a grove of trees. There were no human footprints with these animal tracks, so I wondered if they belonged to a Coyote. My footprint, going in the opposite direction, gives a sense of scale. Can anyone ID this animal print? I have seen a Coyote in that area a couple of times.

02 Dec 2006

131 visits

Winter stream

'Winter stream' On Black I always like this little spot in winter, with its winding stream and jagged edges.

02 Dec 2006

105 visits

How cold can cold get?

A photo taken on 2nd December 2006 at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. Minus 19C but around -30C or -35C with wind chill that early morning!

11 Nov 2006

108 visits

A fresh coat of white

Hard to believe that this is a colour photo! This is another photo taken when it was -19C (-30C or -35C with wind chill), down at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary on 11th November 2006.

21 Jan 2007

91 visits

Which way up?

This is what things looked like on my walk this morning. Even though the temperature was only around -11C, it was a bitter cold and I was in agony thanks to my cold hands for the first part of the walk. Does not make taking photos too pleasant!
300 items in total