At the river's edge


07 Apr 2006

94 visits

Nature's winter art work

Taken on 7th April of this year. I keep being drawn back to this photo, so finally decided to upload it. I think it's the row of five holes with the shadows of the dead leaves. Not much in the photo, really, but for some reason I kind of like it.

04 Dec 2006

160 visits


Longing to see some different kinds of birds to photograph - till then, these friendly little Black-capped Chickadees will visit quite happily. The highest this got in Explore was #285 on 9th December 2006.

11 Nov 2006

103 visits

Cold, cold, cold

It is a winter wonderland today but far too cold. Think it was about -8C when I went out this morning, for a walk at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. We saw various gulls, Harlequin Ducks, Goldeneye, two juvenile Bald Eagles flying over the river, endless Canada Geese and so on. Also saw a family of Mule Deer and a Coyote.

10 Dec 2006

133 visits


Couldn't resist calling in at one of my favorite spots on Sunday afternoon. Trouble is, each Chickadee photo is a little different - hence your being swamped!

15 Jan 2006

99 visits

Too cold for a walk?

'Too cold for a walk?' On Black That's what I asked myself when trying to decide whether to go on a nature walk in Weaselhead, Calgary on 15th January this year. It was COLD and icy but this winter scene was worth it. Don't like to think that it will be like this again before we know it!

12 Dec 2006

107 visits

Flicker for Flickr

Took this photo almost looking into the sun, so the lighting isn't the greatest. Does give it a more wintry look, perhaps.

17 Dec 2006

114 visits

Male Common Redpoll

Another photo of my first male Common Redpoll. Not a very good photo, but I'm not sure if/when I will see any more of these birds.

28 Dec 2006

115 visits

Golden ribbons

I didn't notice how the sun was turning the grass blades into golden ribbons until I downloaded my photos to the computer. I was concentrating more on the beautiful light and the sparkle of the snow.

11 Nov 2006

166 visits

Winter chill

Another photo taken on a bitterly cold, but magical, morning at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. Looks almost like a black and white photo. View large to feel as if you are actually there!
300 items in total