Bald Eagle
Purple Avens
American Goldfinch in the snow
Ice crystals on Prairie Crocus
Love a Pika's ears
Hooded Merganser male
European Skipper
Northern Pygmy-owl on snowy branch
Bebo Grove, Fish Creek Park
Downy Woodpecker
Meerkat on guard
Did anyone see what I caught?
Vibrant Lilies
The finest of feathers
Brrr ... shiver
Red barn in a field of gold
Young bull Moose
Early Blue Violets
Nicotiana (Tobacco Plant)
Strong winds on the prairies
Potentilla nepalensis, 'Miss Wilmott'
Dwarfed by the vast expanse of clouds
Prairie Crocuses covered in water droplets
Driving in a winter wonderland
Weathered wood
Creamy peavine / Lathyrus ochroleucus
Happy Easter!
Spotted Sandpiper with bokeh
Hanging bud
Brant grain elevator
Northern Pygmy-owl from 2011
Old, abandoned farm
Red-winged Blackbird
The windmill from yesterday
"Two (owlets) out of three ain't bad"
Eyes like Licorice Allsorts
Old farmyard windmill
Dad on guard duty
Baby Barred Owl
Old and new
Female Pileated Woodpecker
Safe with Mom
Common Goldeneye
Licking salt off its lips
See also...
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172 visits
Elegant Pintail
This photo and the previous one (adult Bald Eagle) were both taken yesterday, on a day trip with four other people to Frank Lake, SE of Calgary. Both are really poor photos, but I wanted to add them to my Frank Lake album/set.
Yesterday, 5 April 2015, I woke up to a winter scene, as it had snowed overnight. I wasn't sure if the drive would be cancelled, but fortunately we went ahead as planned. The whole area at and around Frank Lake is one of my favourite places. It was snowing on and off during the day and visibility was not very good. Pretty well all the birds we saw were distant or very distant, as usual when I go on one of these outings. A very enjoyable day as always, though, in an interesting place and with good company. I will add the leader, Tony Timmons' list of our sightings, below, mainly for my own memory. Thanks for the great day, Tony!
"Five participants for the Easter Sunday,Nature Calgary Trip to Frank Lake.
We found 47 species. Best sighting for the group was an adult Golden Eagle perched on the ground close to the road, (along 184st.E and west of the intersection with 594 Ave.E. on route to Basin3)
A Eurasian Wigeon was along the access road to Basin 2,and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers were spotted in Basin 1.
Canada Goose
Trumpeter Swan 15
Tundra Swan 2
Eurasian Wigeon 1
American Wigeon
Northern Shoveler
Northern Pintail
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
Lesser Scaup
Common Goldeneye
Barrow's Goldeneye 1m
Common Merganser 5
Hooded Merganser 8
Red-breasted Merganser 2
Ruddy Duck 1
Bald Eagle 1 ad.
Golden Eagle 1 ad.
Northern Harrier 7
Red-tailed Hawk 2
American Kestrel 2
Gray Partridge 8
American Coot
Killdeer 2
American Avocet 2
Franklin"s Gull 8
Ring-billed Gull 10
California Gull 100
Rock Pigeon
Great Horned Owl 3 ad.
Northern Shrike 1
Black-billed Magpie
American Crow
Common Raven
Horned Lark 25
American Robin
European Starling
Dark-eyed Junco 1
Lapland Longspur (small flock overhead 5-6)
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Yellow-headed Blackbird 5
Western Meadowlark 6
House Sparrow
Tony Timmons"
Yesterday, 5 April 2015, I woke up to a winter scene, as it had snowed overnight. I wasn't sure if the drive would be cancelled, but fortunately we went ahead as planned. The whole area at and around Frank Lake is one of my favourite places. It was snowing on and off during the day and visibility was not very good. Pretty well all the birds we saw were distant or very distant, as usual when I go on one of these outings. A very enjoyable day as always, though, in an interesting place and with good company. I will add the leader, Tony Timmons' list of our sightings, below, mainly for my own memory. Thanks for the great day, Tony!
"Five participants for the Easter Sunday,Nature Calgary Trip to Frank Lake.
We found 47 species. Best sighting for the group was an adult Golden Eagle perched on the ground close to the road, (along 184st.E and west of the intersection with 594 Ave.E. on route to Basin3)
A Eurasian Wigeon was along the access road to Basin 2,and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers were spotted in Basin 1.
Canada Goose
Trumpeter Swan 15
Tundra Swan 2
Eurasian Wigeon 1
American Wigeon
Northern Shoveler
Northern Pintail
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
Lesser Scaup
Common Goldeneye
Barrow's Goldeneye 1m
Common Merganser 5
Hooded Merganser 8
Red-breasted Merganser 2
Ruddy Duck 1
Bald Eagle 1 ad.
Golden Eagle 1 ad.
Northern Harrier 7
Red-tailed Hawk 2
American Kestrel 2
Gray Partridge 8
American Coot
Killdeer 2
American Avocet 2
Franklin"s Gull 8
Ring-billed Gull 10
California Gull 100
Rock Pigeon
Great Horned Owl 3 ad.
Northern Shrike 1
Black-billed Magpie
American Crow
Common Raven
Horned Lark 25
American Robin
European Starling
Dark-eyed Junco 1
Lapland Longspur (small flock overhead 5-6)
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Yellow-headed Blackbird 5
Western Meadowlark 6
House Sparrow
Tony Timmons"
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