Lovely Little Striped Mushroom (2 more pix below)
Curly Dock: The 154th Flower of Spring & Summer! (…
Boisterous Cherry-Headed Conure
Winecup Clarkia: The 155th Flower of Spring & Summ…
Proud Little Mushroom
Needle-Leaved Navarretia: The 156th Flower of Spri…
Glamour Star (One more pic below)
Rainy Autumn Leaves
Artistic Alphabet Blocks
Artistic Alphabet Blocks
Alphabet Fun
Wonder Twin Power! "Mushroom Land...ACTIVATE!"
Wild Mustard: The 157th Flower of Spring & Summer!
Nubbly Mushroom
String of Pearls
I'm Stepping Out!
Charming Cosmos
I Stand Alone
Delicate & Beautiful Yarrow Blossoms (2 more pix b…
Mushroom Invasion! Hide Your Valuables!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Pretty in Pink
Ghost in the Moss
Autumn Acorn of the Black Oak Tree (+1 in a note)
Seagulls Hanging Out in Brookings
Horrified Soldier Boy
Pretty Poison Oak = Itchy, Scratchy Janet
Lucky's Porta-Pond (STORY TIME!!!)
Daisy in the Blue
Mushroom Family on Side of Log
"Autumn is a Second Spring When Every Leaf is a F…
Mmmmmmmmmmmm....That's the Spot!
Baby Mushroom All Alone
Nature's Lamplight
Hillside of Henderson's Shooting Stars! (1 more pi…
Showy Tarweed (Set 1 of 3): The 153rd Flower of Sp…
Showy Tarweed (Set 2 of 3): The 153rd Flower of Sp…
Showy Tarweed (Set 3 of 3): The 153rd Flower of Sp…
Showy Tarweed: The 153rd Flower of Spring & Summer…
Showy Tarweed: The 153rd Flower of Spring & Summer…
Showy Tarweed: The 153rd Flower of Spring & Summer…
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289 visits
Froggy Friends Havin' Fun!
(To follow the story, follow this link! Lucky's Porta-Pond!)
Lucky's Pond has now moved indoors to a 10-gallon glass tank with 50/50 water and land! There are 5-10 developing tadpoles in the water, which has an airstone in it to keep the water moving and oxigenated. At last count, we have 4 quickly growing froglets ranging in size from 1/4" to 1/3"! The tadpoles eat fish food and we've been feeding the froglets flightless fruit flies! What fun it's been to watch the froglets hopping around, wolfing down fruit flies! They're growing quickly and everyone seems to be healthy and happy! (By the way, the seasonal pond is now completely full with all the rain we've had, but we'll be keeping this crew until the springtime because we feel they would die from the cold. They're probably not developed enough to hibernate like the adults do, so we'll keep them here at Lucky's Spa and Luxury Retreat until it's springtime! :D)
Lucky's Pond has now moved indoors to a 10-gallon glass tank with 50/50 water and land! There are 5-10 developing tadpoles in the water, which has an airstone in it to keep the water moving and oxigenated. At last count, we have 4 quickly growing froglets ranging in size from 1/4" to 1/3"! The tadpoles eat fish food and we've been feeding the froglets flightless fruit flies! What fun it's been to watch the froglets hopping around, wolfing down fruit flies! They're growing quickly and everyone seems to be healthy and happy! (By the way, the seasonal pond is now completely full with all the rain we've had, but we'll be keeping this crew until the springtime because we feel they would die from the cold. They're probably not developed enough to hibernate like the adults do, so we'll keep them here at Lucky's Spa and Luxury Retreat until it's springtime! :D)
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