Mushroom Invasion! Hide Your Valuables!
Snakey McSnakerton: Her Royal Plumpness
Splish Splash, Chickadee in the Bath!
Best Friends
Moth Mullein Bud
Glistening Resin Droplets on Moth Mullein
Moth Mullein Pistils
Moth Mullein Plant
Moth Mullein: The 158th Flower of Spring & Summer!
Blue & Gold Macaw (2 more pix above in notes)
Autumn Leaf in the Grass
"In order to succeed, we must first believe that w…
Pink Baby Star (2 more pix below!)
Gills of a Mushroom
Juniper Cones (1 more pic below!)
Rambunctious Sun Conures
Ruffians in Flight
The Old Man and his Family
Droplet-Covered Leaf
Blossom and Droplet
Birth of An Oak
"There is magic all around us...all you have to do…
Glowing, Ghostly Mushroom
I Stand Alone
Charming Cosmos
I'm Stepping Out!
String of Pearls
Nubbly Mushroom
Wild Mustard: The 157th Flower of Spring & Summer!
Wonder Twin Power! "Mushroom Land...ACTIVATE!"
Alphabet Fun
Artistic Alphabet Blocks
Artistic Alphabet Blocks
Rainy Autumn Leaves
Glamour Star (One more pic below)
Needle-Leaved Navarretia: The 156th Flower of Spri…
Proud Little Mushroom
Winecup Clarkia: The 155th Flower of Spring & Summ…
Boisterous Cherry-Headed Conure
Curly Dock: The 154th Flower of Spring & Summer! (…
Lovely Little Striped Mushroom (2 more pix below)
Froggy Friends Havin' Fun!
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291 visits
Delicate & Beautiful Yarrow Blossoms (2 more pix below)
Back when I started the Flowers of Spring & Summer project, I didn't think about putting additional views into my comments. Eventually what happened was that I got bunches of pictures that just sat there. Here are some other views of Yarrow, with the original picture below.
In case you didn't get a chance to read about this flower before, here's the information again:
Yarrow is found all over the Northern Hemisphere and in the southwestern United States, it's also known as plumajillo, or "little feather" because of the shape of its leaves. This flower is known by many names, including "herbal militaris" because of its use in stopping blood flow. In fact, Yarrow is an extremely valuable medicinal herb and is used in the treatment of seemingly countless ailments! Yarrow is also used in shampoo, though overuse can cause one's skin to become overly sensitive to sunlight. It's also used in teas as a sedative. And it's even used in various liquors and bitters! In fact, there are so many uses for Yarrow that it seems like one of those "miracle elixers" that can cure everything and be used for anything! Yet, the list of things this herb is used for is amazing! I had no idea that this common, beautiful flower is so powerful as a medicinal herb and more!
If you'd like additional information about this awesome flower, Wiki has an excellent page here: Wiki: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
In case you didn't get a chance to read about this flower before, here's the information again:
Yarrow is found all over the Northern Hemisphere and in the southwestern United States, it's also known as plumajillo, or "little feather" because of the shape of its leaves. This flower is known by many names, including "herbal militaris" because of its use in stopping blood flow. In fact, Yarrow is an extremely valuable medicinal herb and is used in the treatment of seemingly countless ailments! Yarrow is also used in shampoo, though overuse can cause one's skin to become overly sensitive to sunlight. It's also used in teas as a sedative. And it's even used in various liquors and bitters! In fact, there are so many uses for Yarrow that it seems like one of those "miracle elixers" that can cure everything and be used for anything! Yet, the list of things this herb is used for is amazing! I had no idea that this common, beautiful flower is so powerful as a medicinal herb and more!
If you'd like additional information about this awesome flower, Wiki has an excellent page here: Wiki: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
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