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Crooked Signpost

Crooked Signpost

Nouchetdu38, homaris, buonacoppi, kiiti and 6 other people have particularly liked this photo

18 comments - The latest ones
Isisbridge club
14 months ago.
Excellente ***********
14 months ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Boro
Thank you, Boro.
14 months ago.
Annemarie club
Most beautiful

Happy serene Sunday!
14 months ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Annemarie club
Thank you, Annemarie.
14 months ago.
Isisbridge club
Snow expected in a few days, according to the Met.
14 months ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
I can't see anything about snow, not this or next week anyway. But once again (probably in vain) I'll hope for snow at the end of this or the beginning or next year. I never got to the Lake District this month but am not disappointed because the weather's been so dull and wet. Despite that it's been a good year photo wise; so far this year I've managed to get more new pictures (247) than in the whole of 2022.
14 months ago. Edited 14 months ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
Unfortunately he didn't, because he only got back today. No snow (or corn) in Egypt, where he was. But from what I heard, there was no more than a dusting here in the SE.
13 months ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
I think your sad IQ mayor must have been exaggerating. No sign of it in Oxford.
What is com?
13 months ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
CORN. Read your bible.
13 months ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
What did you get for breakfast then?
13 months ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
Standard international breakfast buffet stuff. Ditto lunch and dinner.

The Egypt trip was OK (apart from my suitcase not arriving in Cairo, and the airline having to deliver it to the hotel a day later) and produced about twenty reasonable pictures, about as many as I expected to get as neither the country nor the main tourist sights are particularly picturesque or easy to take, particularly on a group tour, though I've done well in hiding the hordes of other tourists crowding every site, unsurprisingly since at any one time there are 351 cruise liners similar to the one I was on doing the same circuit. Overall it was just about worth going, and I got on better with the group than I expected to on first seeing them at the airport.
13 months ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
You've done well, considering it's not a very 'pretty' place. Did you get seasick?
13 months ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
No. It was a river cruise, hence no waves and no seasickness. Although Nile cruise liners are far smaller (77 cabins only) than giant, ocean-going cruise ships, even at full speed there's little if any sensation of movement.
13 months ago. Edited 13 months ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
I could feel seasick on the Tamar Bridge.
13 months ago.

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