John Oram

John Oram club

Posted: 20 Nov 2017

Taken: 13 Nov 2017

1 favorite     0 comments    181 visits

1/125 f/2.8 19.2 mm ISO 100

Panasonic DMC-FZ200

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'Où Boivent Les Loups'
'Le figurant et celle qui regarde'
Stephen Schofield

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181 visits

Où Boivent Les Loups (1) - 13 Novembre 2017

Où Boivent Les Loups (1) - 13 Novembre 2017
This picture opens a series featuring photographs of and associated with the work 'Où Boivent Les Loups' by Stephen Schofield. The complex work consists of five scenes outside the Complexe Desjardins along Rue Jeanne-Mance in Montreal. My photographs were shot over two days and are posted not in chronological order but in the sequence of the scenes from north to south between Rue Sainte-Catherine and Boulevard Réne-Lévesque.

This first scene is difficult to photograph with anything approaching a pleasing background as pedestrians and vehicles encroach upon almost every shot. It is 'Le figurant et celle qui regarde' featuring an actor (standing) and a director.

The work can be better appreciated from the link below although, curiously, it does not list the scenes in the order in which they are displayed:


dolores666 has particularly liked this photo


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