28 favorites     25 comments    120 visits

1/320 f/4.0 4.3 mm ISO 160

Panasonic DMC-TZ31

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Lat, Lng:  50.393686, 5.876352
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Address:  Cascade de Coo

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120 visits

HFF mit Wasserfall

HFF mit Wasserfall
Ich wünsche Euch ein schönes, sonniges Wochenende!
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Erhard Bernstein, Annemarie, TonyF*, cammino and 24 other people have particularly liked this photo

25 comments - The latest ones
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
Nice capture of the lovely cool waterfall Marco.

HFF and enjoy your weekend
2 years ago.
 Walter 7.8.1956
Walter 7.8.1956 club
HFF Marco!
2 years ago.
Gudrun club
Sehr erfrischend! hFF und ein schönes WE!
2 years ago.
 Madeleine Defawes
Madeleine Defawes club
Superbe image de Coo !
HFF et Bon weekend. Amitiés
2 years ago.
 Falk Preusche
Falk Preusche club
HFF, Marco!
2 years ago.
Amelia club
Definitely a 'keep out' fence.
HFF and stay cool, Marco.
2 years ago.
Heide club
Hab' ein schönes Wochenende, lieber Marco
2 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
COOL shot Marco.
Happy FF and enjoy your weekend.
2 years ago.
Bergfex club
HFF Marco!
2 years ago.
Xata club
Refreshing indeed, HFF Marco
2 years ago.
 Trudy Tuinstra
Trudy Tuinstra club
very nice, HFF
2 years ago.
 David Slater (Spoddendale)
David Slater (Spodde… club
Very powerful Marco. HFF and best wishes for the weekend.
2 years ago.
Erika+Manfred club
HFF und ein angenehmes Wochenende
2 years ago.
Ecobird club
That looks to be quite a powerful waterfall Marco. Beautifully captured.
HFF and have a lovely weekend
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club
Bei den derzeitigen Temperaturen genau der richtige Fleck... HFF Marco.
2 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Nice cool image for a hot day, Marco, a terrific capture!
HFF and a lovely weekend.
2 years ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, Marco!
2 years ago.
trester88 club
Zu dem Zeitpunkt gab's noch genügend Wasser. Ein Vergleich mit heute wäre interessant. Die Weser bei uns wird in den nächsten Tagen einen historisch tiefen Pegelstand erreichen.
HFF und ein cooles Wochenende, Marco!
2 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
HFF, Marco ! Hab ein schönes Wochenende !
2 years ago.
tiabunna club
HFF and have a great weekend, marco.
2 years ago.
 John Lawrence
John Lawrence
Lovely view Marco HFF! and have a good weekend
2 years ago.
 Rainer Blankermann
Rainer Blankermann
HFF Marco! Genieße das Wochenende!
2 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
HFF Marco van Coo van NL
2 years ago.
a great HFF photo!
2 years ago.
*ઇଓ* club
Have a great and sunny weekend, too, Marco!
2 years ago.

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