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Posted: 01 Jan 2019

Taken: 24 Mar 2019

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How do I embed photos in my blog articles?

How do I embed photos in my blog articles?
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A) Insert photos and other media using the article editor

When you are editing a blog article place the cursor at the position where you want to insert the photo.

inserting photo

Then click on the symbol in the tool bar for inserting media.

choose photo for article

In the popup window you can choose whether you want to insert photos, videos or audio files (1). The default setting is photos. You can choose a photo (or other media file) from the content area (2). If you have a lot of content you can narrow down the set of photos (or other media files) from which to choose by using a search phrase (3).

select size for article

When you have selected a photo the popup window will switch to the "image info" tab.
Select either "Thumbnail" or "Full width" from the drop-down menu on the left (1). You can see the result in the preview window (2). In order to finally confirm your choice click on "OK" (3).

Blue line

B) Insert a photo directly from the photo page

insert from photopage

Go to the photo page of one of your photos. Then select "Insert in an article" from the "Actions" drop-down menu on the right.

Then a new article will be opened in the article editor where your photo will have been inserted.