Cornish Garden.

400 + views

La Sierra de La Cabrera

22 Sep 2012 37 32 452
Granite country. The path up from (or down to) Valdemanco and my bus! I got chatting to the couple seen here. They told me they came by train. That is why I was surprised to be able to do the tunnel walk last week! The line closed one month after this shot was taken. They had taken one of the very last trains in 2012 and 5 years later I hadn't heard that it had shut down! I always seem to be the last person to know anything! So, when in 2017 I went to the ticket office and asked for a return ticket to Lozoyela Station I was met with incomprehension!

HFF everyone

12 Aug 2015 47 56 460
Another unedited one from a small album where it shouldn't be! (If unsure, please see my comments to my previous upload).

These boots were made for walking (... and resting…

10 Aug 2018 25 27 489
High tide above Greenbank Cove, North Cliffs, Cornwall. My previous visit (2015) and descent to the cove was via a path that now only exists in part (seen here to the left). Coastal erosion has meant a new path (between my feet) had to be kicked in.

Rock window, Sierra de La Cabrera

25 May 2019 42 14 455
On one of the (very) rare occasions my girlfirend came with me to the Mountains of Madrid, she liked this spot the best.

A stroll on the coast path. The dog leads the way.

06 Aug 2018 36 43 476
The two Islands are known as Bawden Rocks, which you see on maps, or Man and his Man, which you don't! Occasionally also 'Cow and Calf'. The South West Peninsula Coast Path between St Agnes and Newdown Heads. Another for Pam. Suggest on Z.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

10 Aug 2018 42 37 455
Porthcadjack from above Basset Cove at high tide.

Greenbank Cove, Cornwall

22 Jul 2012 21 26 485
Seaweed and rock pools at low tide

Towanroath pumping engine house, Wheal Coates tin…

24 Aug 2012 44 44 473
The girl bottom left gives an idea of scale. For Pam.

Granite lumps.

17 Mar 2012 44 29 473
Strange granite shapes abound throughout the Sierra de La Cabrera.

Vulture on watch

25 May 2013 46 36 471
I hadn't (yet) been seen

I may have posted this before, but maybe not. I to…

10 Dec 2011 45 42 457
Sierra de La Cabrera on a foggy day in December, 2011. Today would have been the same, blanket fog throughout central Spain with only the mountain peaks peeping through. I was tempted when I heard the forecast last night but I just had too much to do today, even though it was a public holiday!

Porthcadjack at very low tide (taken from either A…

04 Aug 2012 18 18 465
I could only get this shot of the main feature at Porthcadjack (its sea cave) because of the very low tide! Maybe a twice a year event. By the way, the path down to the cove is seen directly opposite. It is easy but you wouldn't guess it from this vantage point!

Mountain stream. H. A. N. W. E. Everyone!

25 May 2019 27 18 458
This should have been in full spate, it being spring but drought at the wrong time of year and this dried to a trickle the following week. Sierra de La Cabrera granite and cistus. Valdemanco, Madrid Province

Mountain stream, granite and rosemary

06 May 2012 18 7 477
Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid Province

Rock pool, Basset Cove. For Pam. H. A. N. W. E. ev…

03 Sep 2012 29 19 474
I think one of my favourite rock pool shots because of the colours and very gentle ripples. As Peggy advises, best on black and full screen .

St Senara. Zennor parish church

11 Aug 2017 17 19 456
My cousin's farm is just below the hillside horizon (to the left of centre).

Rockpool, Porthcadjack

04 Aug 2012 21 16 457
Another rockpool, but they can be endlessly fascinating!

HFF Everyone!!

09 Aug 2018 31 37 520
A wall, a few rudimentary fences and a stile on the Southwest Peninsula Coast Path, Near Basset Cove, Cornwall

1016 items in total