Cornish Garden.

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HFF Everyone!

09 Aug 2018 50 37 454
Basset Cove and crane Islands, Cornwall. The Southwest Peninsula Coastpath once went straight ahead here. A very necessary fence!

Shelter for tin miners

10 Aug 2014 15 15 631
Above Tubby's Head (St Agnes Head in the distance). The tin mines were some way away from the nearest villages and towns. As well as having to descend and ascend many 100s of feet and also walk a long way out under the sea bed, the miners had to get home as well - sometimes another couple of hours walk! After dark this wasn't always possible and a few shelters were constructed to allow the miners some respite from adverse weather conditions overnight. Countless fierce storms have reduced them to mere shells but they wouldn't have been luxurious to start with! It's true they didn't work 24 hour shifts even if day and night meant nothing down below but they did work long stints and at full production, the mines did produce tin round the clock! And we think we live in hard times!


24 Jul 2012 25 27 511
Tubby's Head, Cornwall

Autumn light

14 Oct 2018 25 11 467
Earlier in the day at Algete.

Sierra de La Cabrera, Eastern section.

05 Nov 2012 40 41 622
The white boulder, mid-distance, is of course the guano-stained home to generations of Griffon vultures. The Sierra in autumn. Taken from El Cancho Gordo. Sight and sound. Video for youtube beethoven piano concerto 2 finale ▶ 5:48 A joyous 5 minute rousing Beethoven finale. I had to fit in somewhere and here seemed about right, Martha Argerich of course.

Above Fishing Cove, Cornwall. 3 HFFs today - I'm i…

09 Aug 2018 39 37 590
A rather overwhelmed fence. For Pam.

Gum cistus in its habitat.

11 May 2014 19 21 476
La Sierra de La Cabrera in May.

Ralph's Cupboard.

22 Jul 2012 46 40 597
Kayaks are one way of getting to the almost inaccessible beach here! (Portreath, Cornwall) Legend has it that someone traversed that ridge and back in winklepickers and without using his hands. I've looked carefully at the route and can see that it is do-able (but even I would balk at winklepickers!)

granite and Spanish lavender

08 Jun 2012 21 24 496
Carpets of lavender if you pick the right week between mid May and early June, depending on the weather, how high in the sierra you are or just plain luck!

La Sierra de La Cabrera - more granite!

16 Oct 2011 18 14 455
Ahead are the two summits of La Sierra de La Cabrera, Canchos Gordo and Largo.

Autumn ginkgo

22 Nov 2012 60 67 490
Quite spectacular colours for a week or two. (I can't remember if 'quite' in American English means very or is a more non-descript 'ok - ish' because in British English it could mean either, depending on the context. Here I most definitively mean 'very'!)

This evening. In hindsight the cloud could be said…

20 Apr 2021 87 78 447
Wisteria in the evening light. Viewed from the front of the house.

Spanish lavender

29 May 2011 23 11 491
Late May, early June and the hillsides are covered with it. La Sierra de La Cabrera. For Pam.

El Retiro rose garden.

02 Jun 2018 21 15 477
A pleasant place to visit in May and June in Madrid.

Happy New Year and H. A. N. W. E. !

05 Aug 2012 66 75 477
Honeysuckle on the steep path to the nudist beach at Fishing Cove, Reskajeage, Cornwall.

Land's End from Carn Gloose, Saint Just.

04 Aug 2018 15 15 489
This cloud formation over Land's End looks normal enough from Carn Gloose but was much remarked upon in the national press. I saw the photos on the front pages of several papers, all taken from Sennen or Land's End itself and I'm still not sure why it was considered remarkable!

Asparagus Island

04 Aug 2012 40 48 600
Asparagus Island, Porthcadjack, Cornwall

Griffon vultures. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

14 Jul 2013 37 35 598
La Sierra de La Cabrera. A fiercely hot day, Even the vultures didn't exert themselves Only the idiot Englishman!

1016 items in total