Algete street scene no. 8 ... Late summer colours.

Algete, Madrid Province

Algete street scene no. 8 ... Late summer colours.

29 Aug 2022 45 47 347
A bit of a cheat perhaps but included in this series because this lane was once the main thoroughfare between Algete and its neighbour Fuente El Saz de Jarama, The traffic these days goes by a less direct route behind that hill. I'm delighted with this because I live on top of that hill (see note) and a main road here would have spoilt our terrific view! This scene could be late summer in very many places across Europe! I pushed myself with a walk to Fuente el Saz this afternoon, in the heat, a three hour trip there and back, but I found it easier than I expected!

Algete street scene 7.

27 Aug 2022 34 28 266
These streets really do give me good exercise for improving my stamina prior to my eventual walks back in the mountains! Another view right in the heart of the old town. Crikey! And another pure blue sky! We are blessed or what! Actually this is my personal favourite from my streets of Algete series. Sight and sound. Well I sometimes get a trifle homesick! Always loved this even though it has nothing whatsoever to do with the photo!

Algete street scene no. 6

22 Aug 2022 24 18 256
This street is just below ours. It has a good view to the Guadarrama Mountains. Again a +40ºC day and it certainly felt it as I took my daily constitutional! The two green bins are a necessary evil and are a statement to our times so I think they have their place here! I have to say the light these past two weeks here has been pristine! No editing of shots at all necessary or desirable! Please on full screen and feel free to close in even further!

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

27 Aug 2022 33 18 256
Algete Street scene no. 5. Parish church

Algete street scene no. 4

12 Apr 2021 19 13 243
In the distance can be seen the Four Towers at the northern edge of Madrid (please feel free to open the note!) And another flawless blue sky (and a rare wisp of cloud!) The map says 'Asia Doner Kebab'. When I previously lived in Algete for a year (2010/11) there was a kebab shop here but it closed even as I was living here then. So Google maps aren't always completely up to date! Sight and Sound; I used to like this band then forgot all about them.Something sparked me into listening again and yes, I like their funky style!

HFF Everyone! (Algete street scene 3)

23 Mar 2021 47 54 288
Typical older architectural style here in the centre of the old town. Sight and sound; I just thought Spanish music appropriate!

Algete - typical street scene on a hot summer afte…

14 Aug 2022 28 34 313
I pass by here every time I go into Algete to go to the shops or to catch a bus into Madrid. A typically hot and dry day. I think the heat comes across here - Certainly over 40ºC that day. (And even the mad dogs weren't out!!) A fair representation of many of Madrid's outer suburbs. Better on full screen. And some happy music!

Trumpet vine

22 Aug 2022 63 73 376
A street near me. (Algete street scene 1) These dramatic flowers are fairly common here. They look especially good against a granite wall and with a view to the distant Guadarrama mountains. A blue sky helps too! Also everything is as was! No editing at all, no cropping, no enhancements whatsoever. The light yesterday was so pure that I could have read the small print off a can of coke (if I had been so inclined) without my reading glasses! Sight and sound: - by the late great Tim Buckley. Simply because it's a summery kind of song and with summer on the way out soon, I get a bit of a sadness creeping in. This song helps cheer me up. By the way, younger members might recognise the name of his talented son; Jeff Buckley. Sadly, both died young and both by drowning. Perhaps best on full screen.

More miracle of Peru.

13 Aug 2022 41 45 316
It opens its blooms when the sun goes in! This is an evening shot after the sun had gone down. Sight and Sound - I like this song, I haven't heard it in maybe 30 years but I think it's great and the guitarist was on fire. Terry Kath is underrated but Jimi Hendrix liked him so enough said!

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

17 Aug 2022 69 75 425
Evening sky from the upper terrace. (The setting sun is behind me).

View from the dining room window.

17 Aug 2022 52 86 318
Today was a relief in that the recent calima (Saharan dust cloud), and the smoke from the wild-fires in Portugal and Western Spain finally cleared, leaving a lovely view for the first time in about a week! Perhaps better on full screen. Added extra little titbit (I'm not American so it's titbit OK?); bottom left hand corner of the shot is the top of a pot of basil. Usually they last 1 to 2 weeks and then they expire and you buy another on your next shop (very cheap). But this hardy little bugger has been happily thriving for a couple of months now - almost to the point when I'll have to think up a name for it as it has almost become part of the family! Any suggestions for a name? Please let me know!!

HFF everyone! Figs now ripe and delicious!

09 Aug 2022 54 67 319
Same fig tree - looking towards the back of the house. Simply irrestible! Sight and Sound, I haven't heard this in decades. Here it is now;

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

29 Aug 2019 60 63 359
My sister's shot from 3 years ago. Another dramatic sky! Best on full screen.

HFF everyone! Not quite a tornado, but damned clos…

02 Aug 2022 67 88 328
The storm and storm cloud seen here had been above us about 15 minutes beforehand and with almost tornado-like gusts of wind! All the garden furniture was scattered around the neighbours' gardens and we acquired a fair sprinkling of theirs! Figs still not ripe.

H. A. N. W. E. everybody!

23 Jul 2022 50 58 293
A new oleander sprouted here this year, beside the lower terrace.

HFF, everyone!

27 Jun 2022 50 59 325
A view from the upper (third tier) terrace down to the back garden and vegetable patch.

Punky says hello again!

25 Jul 2022 35 40 256
I'm sure you all remember Punky! Well, he's pleased and incredibly proud to announce the birth of a little Punkette, straight out of his 'hair' of course! Take a bow, Punky! Sight and sound. Entirely sensible sentiments, expressed forcefuly and not necessarily all that musically! Nonetheless I include it at Punky's request!

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

16 May 2015 60 63 533
Well Spring has long gone but I found this Spring wildflower meadow shot and I don't think I've posted it before (I may be wrong!)

234 items in total